Listly by Inma Contreras
No me hagas leer, dibújamelo. Este es el concepto del Visual Thinking o pensamiento visual, expresar mediante dibujos sencillos y conectores aquellas ideas y...
This entry is part 8 of 11 in the series Sketchnote LessonsWant to make your drawings more interesting? Add emotions! Drawings of emotions can communicate so much more than words describing emotions, and they do so in an immediate, visceral way. For example, consider the list of words below, and the faces beneath them. Even …
El pasado martes día 3 de junio se celebró en La Casa del Lector de Matadero Madrid, la sesión #visualmente5 centrada en las posibilidades que tiene el pensamiento visual, Visual Thinking en inglés, en el mundo educativo. La sesión organizada por Visualizamos y dos profesoras del Colegio Alameda de Osuna, Dácil González y Lara Romero, estuvo dividida en dos partes.
In school, the dominant way of conveying ideas is through words. Words can be great barriers to learning. Matthew Petersen shows and explains how we can lear...
Hola!!! Me encantó todo lo que se comparte en esta página. Soy docente y la verdad los recursos TIC, han avanzado muchísimo en el paso de la enseñanza hacia un futuro. Los niños han nacido dentro de la era de la tecnología mientras que nosotros somos los que nos tenemos que insertar a ella...
Explore itsallaboutart photos on Flickr. itsallaboutart has uploaded 2509 photos to Flickr.
Most research in cognitive science explores how we see things but little research is done on how we understand what we see. Understanding is the ultimate test of how good your visualization is. So how can you make people understand? Show something familiar and analogize. If you know nothing else about visualization but pick the right analogy you are more than half way there. This is what a professional designer does - and there is no substitute for analogies. Check out the infographic below.
When most people think about visual skills, they think about visual acuity. But visual perceptual skills help kids make sense of what they see.
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El pensamiento visual implica aprovecharse de nuestra capacidad innata para ver, tanto con nuestros ojos como con el ojo de nuestra mente (imaginación), pa
¿Qué es el Visual Thinking Video y por qué me interesa conocerlo? Aplicado a la creación de tus videos puede llegar a ser una herramienta muy potente.
Just about everyone has stumbled over a confusing passage in a textbook, only to have clarity restored thanks to "See Fig. A." Visuals, graphics, and charts can concentrate and present information in a way that sticks. Skill in visual communication has become nearly as indispensable as clear, compelling writing.
Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) is a method initiated by teacher-facilitated discussions of art images and documented to have a cascading positive effect on both teachers and students. It is perhaps the simplest way in which teachers and schools can provide students with key behaviors sought by Common Core Standards: thinking skills that become habitual and transfer from lesson to lesson, oral and written language literacy, visual literacy, and collaborative interactions among peers.
Visual Thinking Strategies is an educational curriculum and teaching method which enables students to develop aesthetic and language literacy and critical thinking...
In order for us to become proficient visual thinkers it's absolutely paramount that we learn to recognize the patterns that surround us on a daily basis. Within these patterns lie the answers to all our problems and the dilemmas we face while thinking visually.
Nuestras recomendaciones para esta festividad tan especial: cuatro libros imprescindibles sobre lo que más nos gusta: diseño, creatividad, innovación, estrategia, visual thinking... ¡Que los disfrutéis!
1) En Design Thinking en español nos ofrecen amplia información sobre este estilo de pensar y destaca sobre todo, las técnicas para su desarrollo que presentan. Si quieres profundizar en estas técnicas o en le proceso, accede a su web.
Visual thinking is the future of business problem solving. Using our innate ability to see - both with our eyes and our mind's eye - gives us entirely new ways to discover hidden ideas, develop those ideas intuitively, and then share those ideas with other people in a way they are simply going to "get".
You've probably seen them around every time a creative conference ends: beautifully hand drawn notes that summarize big ideas using simple
Juggling and balancing
It occurred to me that I write too much. The thing is, I have lots to say and many ideas. The idea of making the visual notes was to consolidate my thinking and clarify my thoughts, yet it ...
Talk on sketching from Asbury Agile 2012. You can read the speaking notes at Konigi:
5 Tips to take your Sketchnoting to the next level.
Studies show that sketching and doodling improve our comprehension -- and our creative thinking. So why do we still feel embarrassed when we're caught doodling in a meeting? Sunni Brown says: Doodlers, unite! She makes the case for unlocking your brain via pad and pen.