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Updated by Heather Lynn on Apr 08, 2018
Headline for CRPS 101: Important Things You Need To Know About CRPS
Heather Lynn Heather Lynn
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CRPS 101: Important Things You Need To Know About CRPS

Here are some great resources for anyone wanting the latest info about CRPS/RSD- whether you're newly diagnosed, have had it for years, a caregiver, I loved one who has it, Medical staff, and anyone else who is interested.

This list provides very useful information, tips, research studies, latest treatment updates,etc.

10 Most Frequently Asked Questions About CRPS

CRPS stands for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. It may also be referred to as Reflex Sympathetic ...

17 Tips for Staying Hydrated

Members of the Chronic Pain Community share tips for staying hydrated this summer.

17 Tips for Staying Hydrated

Members of the Chronic Pain Community share tips for staying hydrated this summer.

1) The History Of Complex regional pain syndrome

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) previously known as reflex sympathetic dystrophy is a chronic neurological disorder involving the limbs characterized by disabling pain, swelling, vasomotor instability, sudomotor abnormality, and impairment of motor function. CRPS is not uncommon after hand surgery and may complicate post-operative care.

2) A Beginners Guide to CRPS/RSD

You have recently been diagnosed with CRPS (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome), formerly known as RSDS (Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome). No matter how old you are you are probably a little scared, confused, angry. We will attempt to answer some of your questions to the best of our abilities.

3) Complex Regional Pain Syndrome Fact Sheet

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a chronic pain condition most often affecting one of the limbs (arms, legs, hands, or feet), usually after an injury or trauma to that limb.

[**This site breaks the information down very nicely. It's up-to-date, and provides the latest research findings. It's one of the better pages with info about CRPS that I've seen.]

4) Definitive Library for RSD/CRPS, Chronic Pain, and similar conditions

The best source on the Internet for finding detailed information about CRPS/RSD, with many hundreds of links covering all aspects of the illness and associated challenges. I publish a free monthly newsletter on recent research advances in CRPS/RSD

5) Using the Pain Scale: How to Talk About Pain

WebMD Feature Archive One of the hardest things about chronic pain is that only you know how bad the pain feels. There's no blood test that can show much you're suffering. There's often no outward sign, like a bandage or a cast. There's just the pain. "Pain is always personal," says F.

6) Living with Pain: Sleep Quality, Depression, Pain and Disability

Felix Naughton and his colleagues conducted a study to examine the relationship between sleep quality, depression, pain severity, and disability. Their results (reported in the journal Pain) showed that sleep quality did not directly affect disability, but rather that poor sleep quality tended to make people feel more depressed and tended to make their pain feel worse.

6 Things You Need to Know About Invisible Illnesses - Everyday Feminism

Even though you know you’re sick, you know as soon as you step out that people will see your lack of a wheelchair or crutches and do a double take of the handicapped spot you’ve parked in.

Build Your Own "Care Binder"- Resource Guide

Medical Home Portal: This resource provides a completed, downloadable notebook that patients can compile into a binder or download its individual forms separately.

Chronic Medical Problems and Depression - Ketamine Wellness Centers

What can you do if you are struggling with the “double whammy” of chronic illness and depression? Here are a few tips...

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Find WebMD's comprehensive coverage of complex regional pain syndrome including medical reference, news, pictures, videos, and more.


Topic Categories : Overview of Disability Disability Back Pay Requirements for Disability Applications for disability Tips and Advice for Disability Claims How long does Disability take?

Complex regional pain syndrome: An optimistic perspective.

Neurology. 2015 Jan 6;84(1):89-96. doi: 10.1212/WNL.0000000000001095. Epub 2014 Dec 3. Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; Review

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) - Physiopedia

Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a term for a variety of clinical conditions characterised by chronic persistent pain and are subdivided into Type I and Type II CRPS. It is a condition that can develop after a limb trauma [1] and appears mostly in one or more limbs. CRPS can be considered a regional post-traumatic neuropathic pain problem,[2] and like other neuropathic pain disorders, symptoms are a disproportionate consequence of painful trauma or nerve lesion.[3]

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) | Treating It Without Surgery

CRPS is a painful condition affecting the arms or legs. Multiple injections may be needed to achieve the full treatment benefit. Learn how to get relief.

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS) | Treating It Without Surgery

CRPS is a painful condition affecting the arms or legs. Multiple injections may be needed to achieve the full treatment benefit. Learn how to get relief.

Complex regional pain syndrome | Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Center (GARD) – an NCATS Program

A collection of disease information resources and questions answered by our Genetic and Rare Diseases Information Specialists for Complex regional pain syndrome

CRPS, Chronic Pain and Your Brain

Pain is an extremely complex issue. Complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) is a prime example of the new understanding pain specialists are finding.

CRPS: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; 'Suicide Disease'

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or CRPS, formerly known as RSD, is a real disease that causes excruciating pain, depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder.

CRPS: Complex Regional Pain Syndrome; 'Suicide Disease'

Complex Regional Pain Syndrome or CRPS, formerly known as RSD, is a real disease that causes excruciating pain, depression, anxiety and posttraumatic stress disorder.

CRPS Diet - What to Eat and What to Avoid

CRPS stands for chronic regional pain syndrome. As indicated by its name, CRPS is a condition that causes chronic pain in those afflicted. This pain typically occurs in a limb, such as an arm or leg. CRPS pain may also spread to other parts of the body. Unfortunately, there is no single cure for CRPS. However, a number of available treatments may provide patients with pain relief.

CRPS Solicitors (Complex Regional Pain Syndrome)

We help people with CRPS & RSD to achieve the treatment and financial security they need following an accident or injury.