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Updated by Stacey D on Oct 09, 2018
Headline for Colony Picking and Life Science
Stacey D Stacey D
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Colony Picking and Life Science

Learn more about life science and what colony picking is.

Information on careers in Life Sciences is available from the WU Career Center in the Danforth University Center ( ). Many specific resources are listed here; in addition many professional societies can provide specific career information. Consult science journals published by professional societies for addresses of the societies.

What Are Life Sciences? - Video & Lesson Transcript |

You might not always take notice, but life is going on all around you. You can take your dog for a walk on a warm summer day and stop to watch a flower open up and a flock of birds fly overhead.

This step is easy and doesn't really warrant a separate protocol but given that it is an important part of the process we have included a brief description. After you have performed a transformation with the appropriate controls you should be left with three bacterial plates.

Colony picker - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A colony picker is an instrument used to automatically identify microbial colonies growing on a solid media, pick them and duplicate them either onto solid or liquid media. It is used in research laboratories as well as in industrial environments such as food testing and in microbiological cultures.

Colony Picking

The RapidPick Basic, like the RapidPick Complete and RapidPick Lite, is the fastest, most accurate automated colony picking system in the world. The RapiPick Basic consists of the colony-picking instrument only, without the robotic plate loading, media filling and plate sealing features of the Complete RapidPick Workcell.