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Updated by Soubin Nath on Sep 12, 2016
Headline for ONAM SPECIAL!!! 8 Easy Payasam Recipes For Feasting Onam
Soubin Nath Soubin Nath
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ONAM SPECIAL!!! 8 Easy Payasam Recipes For Feasting Onam

Payasam (Kheer) is a non-avoidable element in Onam celebrations. It's too complicated to make payasam. Here are some easy payasam recipes for feasting Onam. Happy Onam!


Paal Payasam

Quick paal payasam recipe that's an integral part of Onam sadya, wedding meals, and any festival in India.

Kadala Parippu Payasam

Kadalai Paruppu Pasayam or Channa Dal Payasam is an easy Onam Payasam recipe, perfect for any festival or occasion.

Ada Pradhaman

The pradhaman here is made using ADA as the major ingredient, known as Sarkara Ada Pradhaman. Formerly I used to make ada by soaking raw rice, dry grinding it, making into a batter, pouring in a plantain leaf, spreading, rolling and tying each of the strips and steamcooking them;again cooling the strips and peeling them carefully, sprinkling cold water and tearing them into tiny bits.I had made the pradhaman you see here, following this method.

Cherupayar Payasam

cherypayara payasam-payasam recipe for onam-onam sadya recipes. kerala payasam recipe with jaggery

Cherupayar (Whole Green Gram) Payasam

The Payasam that was served immediately in large bowls, tasted heaven!!..the cooked cherupayar melting in mouth with flavourful coconut milk and sweetness of jaggery with that distinct aroma of Kerala cuisine, the bits of coconut pieces to compliment

Semiya Payasam

Semiya payasam or vermicelli kheer is an easy payasam recipe that's great for any festival or special occasion.

Vermicelli Payasam

Vermicelli, known as Semia, in Tamil or Malayalam goes into a variety of sweet and spicy South Indian dishes.Payasam is the dessert version of it, boiled and blended with thick milk, topped richly with dry fruits, nuts and a pinch of saffron, with a delicate touch of cardamom, a must served item for a feast or an auspicious day.