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Updated by Harini Prakash on Oct 10, 2017
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Dog Care

Every dog owners must read this. Click here

Importance of Pet insurance | Just 4 Pet Care

Viewing the survey taken from all over the world, the veterinary cost of dog contributes to 30 percent of its total cost. Sometimes, if dogs met with any unexpected medical problems then the veterinary cost proportion exceeds 30 percentages. So will Dog insurance help me to cut this cost?

How To Make Your Dog Stop Barking?

As a dog owner you might know by this that barking is normal and is one of the medium of communication for dogs. But sometimes excessive barking may create problem for you as well as for others. So as a pet owner, it is your duty to make your dog to stop barking with the following tips.

Time to make your dog's first aid kit | Just 4 Pet Care

Dogs too meet accidents and as a responsible pet owner, it's your need to have an emergency first aid kit ready at any time. Pet's First Aid Kit can be bought from pet shops as a ready-made or you can prepare one by your own which should contain everything your dog might need when an unexpected situation occurs.

Setup a fish tank - Points you should know | Just 4 Pet Care

Getting an appropriate fish tank is not an easy task; you should keep many things in your mind and get it. Check out these points that should be remembered before you get any fish tank: Determine what kind of fish you want to have: You should determine what type of fish you opt for since there are different types of fishes that opt for different equipment, conditions, spaces etc.

Tips to search a professional pet sitter | Just 4 Pet Care

As a pet owner and lover, you would like to take your pet wherever you go, but sometimes that is not possible. Finding a responsible individual to take care of your pets may be a good option than leaving them behind in a boarding facility. And what about a pet sitter?