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Updated by RAbugento Diego on Aug 27, 2015
Headline for Links/Resources @IonicBrazil
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Links/Resources @IonicBrazil

Lista de links/resources importantes da comunidade @IonicBrazil.

Ionicons - Icones Personalizados no Ionic

Adicionar icon fonts ao ionic é uma tarefa extremamente simples devido ao fato da equipe disponibilizar o código do ionicons no GitHub. Segue neste artigo os passos para ter seus ícones customizados trabalhando nativamente com o core do Ionic.

100 Ionic Framework Resources

A large list of links to resources for the Ionic Framework. Updated regularly.

10 Top Mistakes AngularJS Developers Make

AngularJS is one of the most popular Javascript frameworks available today. One of AngularJS's goals is to simplify the development process which makes it great for prototyping small apps, but its power allows scaling to full featured client side applications.


AngularJS-ORM - Example of scalable architecture for my NG-Conf 2014 talk

Como publicar meu app na Play Store? -

Ok, você passou noites em claro escrevendo o seu app, integrando com plugins, corrigindo bugs que apareceram quando rodou seus testes, ralou para codificar tudo, você desenhou seu ícone, splash screen e enfim chegou a tão chegada hora, sim...você conseguiu, agora é a hora de você mostrar sua obra prima para o mundo...mas aí você esbarra em uma parte um pouco burocrática e não sabe o que fazer.

Relations in using REST API

Parse is a cloud service platform providing a backend storage service. It offers many kinds of application program interface (API) for such as .NET, JavaScript and PHP. In our web application we will use its REST API, this lets us interact with data on Parse from applications written in any programming language that can send an HTTP request.


parse-js-local-storage - Use HTML5 Local Storage Engine to cache/queue Parse Objects and send them to Parse servers later.

AngularJS Promises - O guia definitivo

Artigo original: Promisses são uma característica fundamental do AngularJS - entendendo-as ou não, se você usar AngularJS você vai certamente usá-las. Neste post eu vou explicar o que promessas são, como funcionam, onde elas são usadas e, finalmente, como usá-las de forma eficaz.

Ionic Highcharts-ng Donut with centered label

An example of donut chart on Ionic app. Forked from Ionic's Pen [Footer Toggle: 1.0.0-beta10](

AngularJS Lessons - Screencast Video Tutorials

The best AngularJS tutorials on the internet.


ionic-pushwoosh - Integração do Ionic Framework com o Plugin do PushWoosh

Introduction to Angular2 - YouTube

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Tudo sobre AngularJS - YouTube

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Repositório Ionic Adventures - juarezpaf/ionic-adventures

ionic-adventures - Ionic Adventures is all about a journey using the Ionic Framework

Repositório @IonicBrazil - IonicBrazil/guia-do-desenvolvedor

guia-do-desenvolvedor - Guia do Desenvolvedor Ionic

Boilerplate para integrar Parse + Facebook - giorgiofellipe/ionic-parse-facebook-auth

ionic-parse-facebook-auth - Boilerplate to integrate Parse + Facebook Login to your app!

Autenticação com Tokens Usando AngularJS & NodeJS - Tuts+ Code Tutorial

Uma das partes mais importantes de uma aplicação é sua autenticação. Neste tutorial, discutiremos sobre os sistemas de autenticação com tokens e como eles diferem dos sistemas tradicionais de login.

angular morris chart - wrapper directives of morris.js for angular

angular morris chart provides a wrapper directives of morris.js for angular 1.x

Using Ionic with Firebase - Firebase

This guide assumes you are familiar with the basics of Ionic. If you're new to Ionic, check out the Ionic getting started page or their comprehensive guide. Here we'll use the Ionic CLI, a command line utility provided by Ionic.

How to Make High Performance PhoneGap Apps

I wasn't fortunate enough to attend PhoneGap Day this year, so my experience of it was skulking around the #pgday hashtag on twitter and experiencing it through others who actually were there. There was certainly some interesting news to come out of the day, perhaps most notably Content Sync.

Adding Social Authentication to Ionic App With Firebase-Tutorial

With the increasing popularity of social media it has become immensely necessary for mobile apps to authenticate users via social sign in. The users of your app most likely have an account with Facebook, Google, Twitter etc. So, allowing users to sign in via one these accounts saves time and improves the user experience.

angular translate - i18n for your Angular apps, made easy.

angular translate brings internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) to your Angular apps!