Listly by DJ Chuang
Sandals Church exists to be real with ourselves, God and others. Whether you're new to church, haven't been in a while, or are looking for a new place to call home, there is a place for you here.
Read and share stories of life change driven by the power of Christ in us.
Every number has a name, every name has a story, every story matters to God.
Looking for inspiration? Hear recent stories from Timberlake attenders... We focus on serious faith, a casual atmosphere and no weird stuff.
This blog is where we capture the stories of us. Who we are and what God is doing in our midst. But here's the skinny: it's not about us. It's about Jesus. In short, we are ordinary people trying our best, with God's help, to point our feet towards Jesus every day.
There is power in stories of life transformation. It's really what God is most interested in.
A table surrounded by the people who know you and love you. Conversation marked by laughter, honesty, encouragement. Relationships where each person gives and each person takes. Where life is celebrated and grieving is never done in isolation. Where prayers are given and prayers are received. An adopted family of friendship and belonging.
Checkout a message from a weekend service, watch a story of how God is changing a life, or celebrate with us the good things that God is doing in our city through Vineyard Columbus!
strategy consultant / ideator / connector / launched Social Media Church podcast + home @