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Updated by Eva Strandberg on Jan 04, 2016
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Engelsk - Christmas Activities

Aktiviteter, som kan inddrages i engelskundervisning ved juletid (begynder til let øvet)

Christmas quiz

Here are some questions about Christmas. Practise Christmas words with this activity.Instructions Read the question. What is the best answer? Click on the answer that you think is the best! Then click 'next' for the next question. How many will you get right?

Christmas: fill the gaps

Fill the gap - Most people in the United Kingdom celebrate Christmas. What do people do during this holiday? Learn about some Christmas customs with this activity. Instructions Click and drag the words into the gaps to complete the eight sentences. When you are finished click on 'submit' to check the sentences, or click on 'answers' to see the complete sentences.

Christmas words

Which Christmas words do you know? Play a game all about Christmas words. How many sentences can you make?

Christmas presents

Match indpakkede gaver (legetøj) med ord - We love opening presents at Christmas. There are eight wrapped presents in this game. Can you match the words and pictures? Instructions There are sixteen cards in this game. Eight of the cards have pictures and eight of the cards have words. Click on two cards to match the word and the picture.

Christmas word search

Christmas word search

Online crossword puzzle level 1 - Christmas

Online English crossword puzzle - Christmas - level 1 easy

Online crossword puzzle - level 2 - Christmas

Online English crossword puzzle - Christmas - level 2

Christmas ESL Vocabulary Memory Game - Christmas Tree Decorations

Learn Christmas Tree Vocabulary with this ESL Memory Game (star, holly, wreath, tree etc.) . This game is also excellent for Vocabulary Teaching and Practice. ESL Learners and Teachers can use it to review English vocabulary or simply practice these words.

Christmas Interactive word search

This interactive ESL word search puzzle will help you practice Christmas vocabulary spelling. Solve this vocabulary word search online using the pictures as clues. Check the pictures and words in right side as hint and find them in this word search puzzle.

Christmas Vocabulary Memory Game for ESL

Learn Christmas Vocabulary with this ESL Memory Game (Santa, tree, elf, etc.) . This game is also excellent for Vocabulary Teaching and Practice. ESL Learners and Teachers can use it to review English vocabulary or simply practice these words. This memory games has audio, images and text which makes it possible to practice spelling, reading, listening and word recognition.

ENGLISH FLASH GAMES for Learning Vocabulary

Find the items on the list! A game to practise Christmas vocabulary (Father Christmas, Christmas lights, Christmas tree, chimney, bells, star, snow, gifts, fireplace, carol singers, snowman, candle...). Check out our Christmas Vocabulary List.

Christmas Interactive Cards, Free Christmas Interactive eCards | 123 Greetings

Christmas is here! Share the joys of this wonderful time with our cute and fun-filled Christmas ecards. Wish your friends, family, acquaintances and loved ones a great holiday season. Add a personal touch to your wishes with these interactive ecards and s


In this game you'll see a picture of something you find at Christmas, or in Christmas songs and stories. For example, the first picture is of a tree. Can you hit the letters 'T' 'R' 'E' and 'E' as they go past on balloons? You must hit the letters in the right order!

Reindeer orchestra

Lær at spille julesange ved at trykke på rensdyrenes næser - sig tallene på engelsk mens du spiller

Games for the Brain

Play neverending quiz, memory & brain games to train your thinking.