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Updated by Soubin Nath on Nov 23, 2014
Headline for First Persons of the World
Soubin Nath Soubin Nath
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First Persons of the World

This is the list of world's first persons who have gained the achievements at first. Just go through..


Space Traveller

Yuri Gagarin
uri Alekseyevich Gagarin was a Russian-Soviet pilot and cosmonaut. He was the first human to journey into outer space, when his Vostok spacecraft completed an orbit of the Earth on 12 April 1961.

Space Traveller (Woman)

Valentina Tereshkova
the first woman to have flown in space, having been selected from more than four hundred applicants and five finalists to pilot Vostok 6 on 16 June 1963.

Man on Moon

Neil Armstrong
American astronaut and the first person to walk on the Moon. He was also an aerospace engineer, naval aviator, test pilot, and university professor.

Man on North Pole

Robert Peary
American explorer who claimed to have reached the geographic North Pole with his expedition on April 6, 1909

Woman Prime Minister

Sirimavo Bandaranaike
Sri Lankan politician and the modern world's first female head of government. She served as Prime Minister of Ceylon and Sri Lanka three times, 1960–65, 1970–77 and 1994–2000, and was a long-time leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party.

Woman President

Isabel Martínez de Perón
Following her husband's death in office in 1974, Isabel served as president of Argentina from 1 July 1974 to 24 March 1976 . This made her the first female president of any country in the world.


Men on Everest

Men on Everest
First Muslim Prime Minister

Benazir Bhutto
Pakistani politician and stateswoman who served as the 11th Prime Minister of Pakistan for two non-consecutive terms from 1988 to 1990 and then from 1993 to 1996.