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Updated by Kiki J on Jun 19, 2014
Kiki J Kiki J
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No Tangle Earbuds

The Scientific Reason Your iPhone Earbuds Get Tangled Up

This post first appeared on Business Insider. It happens to everyone who owns an iPhone: You reach into your bag or pocket to listen to some music or take a call, and your earbuds have conspired against you. They've tangled themselves into a knot so vicious that you risk snapping...

Keep headphone wires from getting tangled

Reader Paul says he's got a little trick that helps keep his headphone cables from getting tangled into knots: With your right hand make devil horns (third and fourth fingers tucked, second and fifth extended) Use your thumb to hold the earbuds against your palm Wrap the cable around your 2nd and 5th fingers using a figure-8.

Rapidly "Wind" Your Cables for Tangle-Free Headphones

We already have the definitive guide to wrapping headphones, but it seems that Orlando-based Property Manager Corey Van Dyke has a tangle-free method we haven't seen before-and it's quite cool and incredibly easy. Wrapping up your earbuds always ends up being an ordeal: they come undone in your bag, they get...

Tangle Free Headphones

Here is a quick and easy way to keep your headphones tangle free using only your hands and a special wrap. I originally read about this method several months ago on lifehacker and thought I would share with a video tutorial - If you have any other methods you use please leave them in the comments below!