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Brain Supplements

Articles on brain supplements to read

L-Tyrosine Uses for Energy, Stress, Motivation and Focus

L-Tyrosine, or just Tyrosine is often abbreviated as Tyr or even Y in medical literature. It is one of the 22 amino acids that are used by cells to synthesize proteins. Tyrosine is also considered to be a non-essential amino acid, since the body is capable of producing this supplement on its own in small quantities from Phenylalanine.

Choline Dosage Recommendations for Adults and Children

What is the proper daily dosage to take of Choline supplements? We are learning more and more every day about the importance of Choline for brain function and preventing memory loss disorders such as Alzhemier's. It may also offer benefits for individuals who want to improve their memory capacity while increasing focus and helping to balance mood.

Where to Buy Pyritinol Hydrochloride Powder Online

Pyritinol Hydrochloride is a nootropic that often gets overlooked in favor of some of the stronger cognitive enhancers available today. However, it offers a number of benefits both for brain health and mental functioning. It has been extensively used as a prescription medication in European countries for the treatment of cognitive and learning disorders, especially in children.

Galantamine For Lucid Dreams: Dosages and Best Pills to Use

Galantamine is a nootropic supplement that is often referred to as the "Lucid Dreaming pill". It is known for promoting vivid dreams and supporting the state of lucidity so you can both control and better remember your dream experiences.

L-Theanine Side Effects - Safety, Reports, and Dosages

Do you need to worry about side effects when using L-Theanine supplements as a nootropic or to treat anxiety and mood disorders? In clinical studies, results have indicated that L-Theanine side effects are a non-issue. But people have already known this for thousands of years.

L-Theanine Dosages: Is 200 mg the Ideal Dose to Take?

With its wealth of documented benefits and total lack of side effects, finding your ideal L-Theanine dosage is easy. As a naturally occurring amino acid originally derived from green tea leaves, this gentle and harmless supplement can become a part of your daily regimen.

Top 5 L-Theanine Benefits For Mind And Body

What are the main reported benefits of taking L-Theanine supplements? L-Theanine is a mood-boosting nootropic that has positive effects on focus, mental performance, anxiety and depression. Nootropics are used for a variety of well-documented mental benefits, including improvement of memory, enhanced intelligence, and creative inspiration.

L-Theanine vs Suntheanine - Which Is a Better Brand to Buy?

L-Theanine and Suntheanine are two closely related nootropics that are often compared for the benefits and side effects. Suntheanine is a derivative of L-Theanine, promoted as being a purer form and requiring a smaller dosage. The makers Taiyo say that Suntheanine uses a better fermentation process that leads to a higher quality product, but many are left to wonder if there is any difference.

L-Theanine for Sleep & Insomnia: Dosages & Reviews as a Sleep Aid

Insomnia, a very common yet very serious problem, has inspired many people to try taking L-Theanine for sleep. L-Theanine, a naturally occurring amino acid which was first discovered in green tea in 1949, is a well-known anti-anxiety supplement with proven relaxation benefits. It's natural to wonder if this compound can be an effective strategy for inducing good sleep.

Natural L-Theanine for Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression

Taking the all-natural supplement L-Theanine for anxiety represents a breakthrough approach to treating a common modern malady that many people suffer from. Whether symptoms are mild or severe, almost everyone has experienced some form of anxiety.

L-Theanine for ADHD/ADD and Improved Focus

L-Theanine is growing in popularity as a natural treatment alternative for both ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and ADD in children and adults. Taking L-Theanine for ADHD could prove to be a huge relief for anyone who doesn't want to load their body with expensive, side effect-heavy prescription medications.

L-Theanine and Caffeine Nootropic Stack for Brain Boosting Effects

Stacking L-Theanine and caffeine is one of the most popular combinations among users of nootropics. The synergistic connection between the two supplements is well known, and not just to the nootropics fans. L-Theanine was originally paired with caffeine by nature, in the form of green tea leaves.

Bulk L-Theanine Powder - How to Use, Doses and Cost

L-Theanine powder can relieve anxiety, ease chronic fatigue, enhance concentration, and deliver a peaceful, relaxed state of mind. Powdered L-Theanine achieves this incredible list of benefits naturally, without artificial chemicals or any of the unpleasant side effects associated with them.

Where Buy L-Theanine Supplements Online and In Stores

Where can you buy L-Theanine in local stores or from online vendors and what is the best price? Interest in L-Theanine has spiked recently as more and more individuals seek out natural ways to enhance cognitive power and balance mood. High quality natural nootropics are now more affordable and widely available online.

Choline Chloride Supplement Benefits & Side Effects - Nature's Best Memory Enhancer

Similar to B-vitamins, Choline Chloride is an organic compound used by the body for a host of vital functions, most notably by enhancing cognitive abilities. Choline contributes to the health of cell membranes in the brain, protecting neural membranes and encouraging excellent signaling capacity.

Twinlabs Choline Cocktail Supplement Review, Ingredients and Side Effects

Choline Cocktail is a brand name choline supplement produced by corporate vitamin manufacturer Twinlab. Containing a proprietary blend of choline plus a variety of other vitamins and stimulants, this Cocktail is billed as a dietary alternative to morning coffee, promising no side effects. Is this product effective, economical, and safe?

DMAE 100 mg and 250 mg Pills and Products For Sale

DMAE 100 mg Pills, the most common dosage of Dimethylaminoethanol on the market, are touted as strong memory boosters on par with the well-known supplement Choline. Proponents claim that DMAE provides heightened focus and concentration by indirectly stimulating the production of Acetylcholine, a key neurotransmitter which cultivates plasticity in the brain.

Phosphatidylserine Dosage Guide - A Supplement for Stress Relief and Memory

How much is the standard Phosphatidylserine dosage? As with many of the lesser-known neurochemicals, pinning down the proper dose, or even finding the supplement in stores, is often challenging. However, this fat-soluble phospholipid is one of our essential tools for enhancing memory and cutting the chemical causes of stress, such as cortisol.

How Choline Affects Brain Function and Cognitive Health

Taking choline for brain health is something we are all far more familiar with than we might realize. In fact, choline is an essential nutrient that all humans need for proper mental function. It works by stimulating production of the key neurotransmitter Acetylcholine, responsible for memory, mental clarity, and the healthy formation of synaptic connections between neurons.

Acetyl L Carnitine Arginate Benefits, Side Effects, Dosages and Uses

Billions have been spent worldwide on creams and potions designed to slow the signs of aging, but could Acetyl L Carnitine Arginate be a viable therapy for stopping aging from the inside out? Acetyl L Carnitine, commonly abbreviated as ALCAR, is a naturally occurring amino acid which builds proteins inside the body.

Immediate 5-HTP Effects and Long Term Benefits/Risks

Promising 5-HTP effects indicate that this natural supplement could provide potent relief for some of the most challenging mental disorders. A tonic for common depression and anxiety, as well as a viable therapy for more serious conditions like bipolar disorder, the effects of 5-HTP include mood elevation, stress management, and regulation of sleep cycles.

Uridine Side Effects Vs. Supplement Benefits - A Win-Win For Cognitive Plasticity

There are few discussions online about Uridine side effects for a good reason - there are no negative effects to speak of. Uridine is powerful new asset in our battle to retain and enhance our cognitive strength throughout our lives.

Is There Enough Choline In Your Diet? Rich Sources and Supplements

A "choline diet" may not be as common as a low carb diet, but thinking about choline and diet is critical for achieving a state of normal, healthy mental fitness. Many of us diet for a variety of reasons - to lose weight, to improve sports performance, or to address and improve debilitating conditions like diabetes and arthritis.

Bulk Galantamine Powder for Mental Clarity and Better Memory

Galantamine powder has been a well-known treatment for very serious mental disorders like dementia and Alzheimer's Disease since the 1950s. Today, this naturally occurring neurochemical might have new applications as powerful nootropic supplement. Nootropics are natural compounds designed to boost cognitive function and enhance mood, using many of the body's regulatory systems which are already in place.

Uridine for Relief from Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Taking Uridine for depression is a relatively new yet very promising trend. Starting in the 1950s, the idea of medicating severe depression with pharmaceuticals began to gain in popularity. Prior to that, even light cases of depression had been treated with opiates, if they had been treated at all.