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Updated by Involvery .com on Jun 13, 2018
Headline for New Neato BotVac Robot Vacuum Cleaners - Reviews and Consumer Reports
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New Neato BotVac Robot Vacuum Cleaners - Reviews and Consumer Reports


Neato BotVacs - How Do These New Robot Vacuums Work?

There are 4 new Neato Robot BotVac models... here is a quick overview video of how they work and t...

New Neato Botvac vs Old Neato XV 25

Comparing the old Neato XV25 robot vacuum with the new and improved (?) Neato BotVac - which is be...

Neato BotVac Robot Vacuum vs the Roomba Robot Vacuum Cleaner

When comparing the new Neato BotVac vacuums with the Roomba Robot vacuum - who wins? Watch and se...

Neato BotVac Robot Vacuum Reviews 2014

Great for Pet Hair! I find the Botvac to be an excellent autonomous robotic dirt sucker-upper on the right surfaces. If you have pets and hard surface flooring, the Botvac is practically a no-brainer! Just buy it already!

Neato BotVac Robot Vacuums - Reviews and Ratings

The new for 2014 robot vacuum cleaner from Neato is here! Is the Neato BotVac worth the money?

Reviews and ratings to hear what BotVac owners think of this new robotic vacuum cleaner.

Read all Neato BotVac Reviews Here.

Neato BotVac Robot Vacuum Cleaner Reviews

Reviews, ratings, and best prices on the new Neato BotVac robotic vacuums for 2014

Best Robot Vacuum Reviews 2014

When it comes to robot vacuums, there are some real winners and some real DUDS. I have found the best robotic vacuum cleaners to be these I mention below. Be sure to read what consumers have to say about these robot vacuum cleaners to avoid the losers and be sure you are getting the best value and quality for your money.

Neato XV-21 Review - Best Robot Vacuum for Pet Hair & Allergies

When it comes to robotic/automatic vacuum cleaners, Neato Robotics leads the pack. This XV-21 model from Neato is designed specifically for floors with heavy pet hair and households that need to keep allergens down to a minimal level == >>> Read All Consumer Reviews Here

Best Rated Robotic Vacuums for 2014

Ready to compare robotic vacuum cleaners and find the best robot vacuum for the money in 2014? Take a look thru these robot vacuum cleaner reviews and ratings as well as consumer reports for the folks who really use these top-rated robot vacuums.