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Updated by M Jesús García San Martín on Jun 14, 2015
Headline for Blogging, Designing Sites, Webs and Online Classrooms
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Blogging, Designing Sites, Webs and Online Classrooms

Lists of services and portals for blogging, designing sites, wikis, websites and online classrooms and schools.
Including samples.
Wix Answers for HTML5 |
Wix Answers all the questions you have about creating your free HTML5 website. Enter your questions and get help from other users and the Wix Support Team.
WizIQ | Making Online Teaching & Learning Easier and Affordable
WizIQ's easy-to-use online teaching and learning solutions are being used by more than 200,000 teachers/trainers, 5000 organizations, and 3 million learners.
OpenClass is a dynamic learning environment that helps educators bring social learning and experiences to their students. It's open to everyone, easy to use, and totally free.
Edmodo | Where Learning Happens | Sign up, Sign In

Edmodo provides a safe and easy way for your class to connect and collaborate, share content, and access homework, grades and school notices. Our goal is to help educators harness the power of social media to customize the classroom for each and every learner

Kidblog | Safe and simple blogs for your students.

Kidblog is designed for K-12 teachers who want to provide each student with an individual blog. Students publish posts and participate in academic discussions within a secure classroom blogging community. Teachers maintain complete control over student blogs and user accounts.

How to Start a Wiki

Do you have a passion for information? Wikis are a great way to create and build a community based on exchanging and learning information, and are incredible collaborative pieces of work. If you've got a great idea, creating a wiki has...

Pbworks Wiki Tutorial - Basic Frontpage Editing

I'm a student at Lansdowne High in MD just showing my teacher how to use the wiki.

PB Works - Creating a Wiki (1)

How to set up an account, add background, and insert images and URL's

How to use the wiki PBworks

Learn how to set up a classroom web site, using the wiki application Learn it in 5 minutes.

Free online tutorial for using PB Works

Free online PB Works tutorial for teachers and students. Learn how to use Twitter effectively with these free, in depth training videos

Wikis in Plain English A short explanation of wikis and how they can be used to coordinate a group. This video comes in an unbranded "presentation quality" version that can be licensed for use in the workplace.

Create a site - Sites Help

Once you've signed in to your Google Account, you can start making your Google site. Here's how: Click the Create button. Choose one of the displaye

How to Create a Website Using Google Sites

Create a website using Google Sites to kickstart your online presence. Google offers simple editing tools for creating a personal or business website that will start you down the path to positively promoting yourself or your work. Define...

How to Build A Website Using Google Sites

Uploaded by ReicheltAcademy on 2011-05-16.

Creating a Google Site - Sites Tutorial 1 of 5

In the first tutorial of this 5 part series, I show how to create a Google Site. Additional editing and managing features will be covered in the other videos part of this series.

De redes sociales en el aula

Site para Jornada de Formación del Profesorado de fecha 8 de marzo de 2012. Organizada por el CPR del Noroccidente. Ponente: Mª Jesús García San Martín

European Robotics Week 2013 Education

Neelie Kroes, Vice-President of the European Commission responsible for the Digital Agenda, says: "It's European Robotics Week time again, a time of the year we look forward to.

El Barco del Exilio

Viajamos en un buque, quizá un transatlántico, aunque no sea precisamente en el Titánic. Solo faltaría que, además de exiliarnos, nos hundiéramos. También se viaja en balsa, anota alguien a tiempo apenas de hablar, todavía hoy. Supongamos que hay buenas comunicaciones con una y otra orilla del océano.

Plan Lector Móvil

¡Para divertirnos leyendo!

Recursos didácticos 2.0 en Infantil y Primaria

Site creado para sesión de formación en el CPR de Avilés por Mª Jesús García San Martín. 12/04/2012. Repositorio de herramientas, aplicaciones y recursos 2.0 para Educación Infantil y Primaria.

Stop Motion

Este módulo se lleva a cabo con la colaboración del equipo de producción de la película "O Apóstolo", que se ha estrenado el 31 de octubre, en matinales en colegios de toda España. Además de estar de camino a los Óscar, están con nosotros para acompañarnos en nuestro empeño de llevar el lenguaje audiovisual a nuestras aulas.

Construtor de Sites HTML | Adicione Vídeos ao seu site Wix

Crie seu próprio site HTML grátis usando o! Aprenda como adicionar vídeos do Youtube e Vimeo ao seu site do Economize dinheiro projetando se...




A Wix to reflect upon an e-project with AR