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Updated by Everett Program on Mar 04, 2014
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Link Roundup 3/3

7 Rules for Brilliant Nonprofit Leaders

I came across a great article the other day, Rules for Brilliant Women, and as a female entrepreneur I found it really inspiring and affirming. But I realized nonprofit leaders need a similar list. Because just as women often sell themselves short, so too do nonprofit leaders.

Bill Gates Gives Advice On How To Help

When Bill Gates was looking into what he could do in the world of philanthropy, he says he looked for problems to which governments weren't already paying attention. That turned out, in the mid-90s, to be global health.

Welcome to our 2014 Festival!

Watsonville Film Festival 2014 Program Join us for 3 days for films, performances, and more! Check out the film lineup and stay tuned for a more updated program. We need individual volunteers! If you'd like to help set up on the days of the festival, or help us publicize the festival in exchange for free admission, please fill out the volunteer form.

Three Easy Tips for Boosting Your Organization's Signal | NTEN

Two years ago, my company Speek set out to fix crappy conference calls once and for all. Since launching, we have been covered by numerous major publications both in print and online. We were the subject of a Wall Street Journal documentary and have won countless awards.

Advancing Sustainable Communities

Neil | 2011 | Japan Advancing Sustainable Communities via Ancient Japanese Farming Practices began as a project to assess the success of Japanese sustainable farming in the context of rapid industrialization. The aim was to understand what factors, especially the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), had allowed these small farms to prosper, ...

Good Society: The Acumen Fellowship Reading List

We have recently announced the 2014 classes of Pakistan, East Africa, and India Fellows, and are currently selecting participants for the 2015 Global Fellows Program. One of the key aspects of being an Acumen Fellow is the training program we have developed over the years.

Young Social Entrepreneur Launches Paper Toy Clothing and Feeds Other Kids - Cause Artist

7012000, an online boutique providing wearable art for young men and boys, launches today. Artistic designs and philanthropic inspiration from young Santana Draper, who donates a portion of the proceeds to Kids Meals, Inc. to feed children in Houston.

How we're celebrating International Women's Day

By Karen Miller, Chief Knowledge and Communications Officer March 3, 2014 March 8 is International Women's Day (IWD), the global event celebrating the advancement of women's rights worldwide. In honor of IWD, Women's World Banking is holding a series of digital events throughout the week preceding the 8 th.

Creating a Donor Communications Plan to Woo Your Supporters: Part 1

You want to be the favorite child, don't you? Did you know that half of donors give 2/3rds of their annual giving to a single charity. That's why you want to become the "favorite." Wouldn't it be terrific if your donors adopted you and thought of you as a member of their family?

The Weekly Round Up: The Best in Nonprofits from Around the Web

There is a lot of great news on nonprofit innovation out there this week, from start up accelerators incubating forward-thinking nonprofits to theoretical discussions innovation in social impact entities. Additionally, really good marketing tips and tricks from nonprofit writers and thinkers in the blogosphere, making for some very valuable reading.

4 Reasons Why Your Next Executive Director Must Embrace Fundraising

In a recent blog post we explored the process utilized by myself on several previous occasions for selecting an executive director for a nonprofit. I am going to build upon that process a bit and share a viewpoint regarding the immense need for an acumen with fundraising for that role.

Maximizing Online Fundraising

31 Flares Twitter 17 Facebook 5 Google+ 1 LinkedIn 3 Pin It Share 0 StumbleUpon 1 31 Flares × Nonprofits today are competing with the best e-commerce websites in the world, along with the rest of the Internet, to capture the attention of their target audience.

Evaluating High-tech Health Approaches in Low-income Countries

Promising technologies for maternal and child health, TB, and malaria abound, but we need to determine what really works. Pesinet, a health program operating in Bamako, Mali, is harnessing new technologies to address malnutrition, which accounts for more than 50 percent of child deaths.

The Youth Empowerment Institute

Thomas Gelder | Summer 2013 | Santa Cruz, CA YEI centered around 3 things: 1) College access 2) Exciting technology 3) Giving youth the reins to both College Access You can view our general lessons and materials at the project website,, but basically what we taught were College Basics, Application Process, Financial Aid, Personal Statements, ...