Listly by Cathi Zimmerman
Slim laptops on the market today do not have internal cd/dvd drives. I realized this after receiving my new Lenovo last Christmas. Great option is to purchase your own external, portable drive to be able to install certain programs to your laptop.
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I needed to look into these devices for my new Lenovo laptop I received last Christmas. There are many out there and I purchased a slim Samsung DVD writer for $30.
Simple drives that do a lot of work! Are you in need of a cd/dvd external drive? Look no further!
DVD burners and optical drives in general might be disappearing from laptops, but plenty of people still need them from day to day. I know I needed a portable external dvd drive when I received my new Lenovo laptop. Here are the best external DVD b...
I needed to look into these devices for my new Lenovo laptop I received last Christmas. There are many out there and I purchased a slim Samsung DVD writer for $30.
There are many external CD/DVD drives on the market today. Some have the Blu-ray feature too. These portable devices are extremely hand and easy to take with you wherever you may go. I purchased a Samsung slim portable DVD writer and it has worked wonderfully. Powered by RebelMouse
Take control of your digital media with an external cd/dvd drive. Perfect for those with netbooks, or Ultrabooks without optical drives. External Optical Drives offer you a simple and affordable way to play movies and games on your Laptop, Ultrabook or Netbook. They also allow you to install programs that you may need.
Many slim laptops on the market today do not have internal cd/dvd drives. I realized this after receiving my new Lenovo Touch Screen laptop last Christmas. A great option is to purchase your own external, portable drive to be able to install certain programs to your laptop.
After receiving a new Lenovo Touch Screen laptop for Christmas, I noticed that it did not have an internal dvd drive. Thought that was strange but then I found out that many of the newer, slimmer laptops do not have this drive built in.
Many newer, slimmer laptops on the market today do not have internal cd/dvd drives that are needed to install some programs on your laptop.