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Updated by Gina Moody on Jan 01, 2014
Gina Moody Gina Moody
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Best Bleaching Cream For Dark Spots

Browse my curated list of the best bleaching cream for dark spots

6 Best Skin Brightening Products -- and the 4 Worst

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10 Best Skin Bleaching Cream for Dark Spots

What brand could be the best skin bleaching cream for dark spots? How are dark spots acquired? Essentially, there are many ways to acquire dark spots. Dark spots may be birthmarks, acne scars, melasma spots, sun damaged spots, liver spots, age spots and many more. Such spots are hard to remove, even after rigorous exfoliation.

Products that Fade Dark Spots Without Hydroquinone

By now many have heard of or read of the dangers associated with using skin creams containing hydroquinone. Some may feel there is no hope for fading their dark marks without this ingredient. For those with hyperpigmentation this is a scary thought to have.

How To Properly Treat Dark Spots w/ Fade Cream (Bleaching Cream)

This is how I spot treat my dark spots/discoloration on my face with Nadinola's Extra Strength Fade Cream. I purchased it from Walmart. All you need is a qtip. Hope this helps!

Hydroquinone 4% skin bleaching cream for dark spots?

Hydroquinone 4% skin bleaching cream for dark spots? The Alley Beauty Salon