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Updated by Mark Jones on Feb 01, 2021
Mark Jones Mark Jones
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SP24 Speakers and Team

This is a list of all the speakers and team members involved in the SP24 Conference.

Matthias Einig (@mattein)

SharePoint enthusiast, Speaker, Co-Creator of @SPCAF (Code Analysis Framework),SPSF (Software Factory),SPSD (Solution Deployer), Founder of @SP24conf @SPSSthlm

Veronique Palmer (@VeroniquePalmer)

All there is, is love, and SharePoint, & an organic lifestyle. SharePoint community specialist & adoption strategist. MVP. Managing Member of Lets Collaborate.

Stefan Bauer (@StfBauer)

Sharing ideas about art, design, web and development. I'm a professional #SharePoint consultant and developer. Microsoft Community Contributor Award 2011/2012

Mark Jones (@MarkQJones)

Do you want to know how to distribute and track policies and procedures from SharePoint ? Check out DocRead for SharePoint :

Jasjit Chopra (@jasjitchopra)

SharePoint enthusiast

Jeremy Thake (@jthake)

VP of Global Product Innovation at AvePoint Inc. SharePoint MVP. Living in New Jersey, alien from UK with 8 yrs in Australia.

Wendy Neal (@SharePointWendy)

SharePoint Consultant, Developer, Evangelist, Branding, User Empowerment, Writer, Speaker, and Bacon!

Paul Gallagher (@spgally)

Sharepoint Consultant and Geek.

John Instone (@JohnInstone)

SharePoint & Office365 Consultant MCTS, Business Analyst ISEB. Ex .net Web Developer. SCRUM, SEO savvy. Wannabe Triathlete.

Bill Ayers (@SPDoctor)

I specialize in SharePoint software architecture and development, and am a Microsoft Certified Master for SharePoint Server 2010.

Jasper Oosterveld (@SharePTJasper)

Macaw SharePoint Consultant | Speaker | Author | Microsoft Community Contributor | Co-founder SPCNL and SPBUGNL | Office365 fan | Speaker chair NCCOMMS |

Mirjam van Olst (@MirjamvanOlst)

Microsoft Certified Master SharePoint, MVP and SharePoint Architect @ Avanade

Scoutman (@ScoutmanPt)

SharePoint MVP,SharePoint Architect , Development , TFS
Musician, SuperDad!

Mike Maadarani (@mikemaadarani)

Senior Architect with a passion for SharePoint. Expert in ECM with a specialization in WCM systems, and SharePoint Infrastructure.

Alexander Meijers (@ameijers)

SharePoint enthusiast | Love to connect with people | Community Fan | Speaker | Blogger | 2 kids | Love Music | Running | Fitness

  • I have spent many many hours working as a SharePoint Developer Architect and Consultant for lots of organisations in the UK such as the NHS, Tarmac, O2, Lloyds of London, Lloyds TSB, BT etc.


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