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Updated by Edublogs on Aug 23, 2017
Headline for Best Individual Tweeter 2013 - Edublog Awards
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40 items   105 followers   1260 votes   35.36k views

Best Individual Tweeter 2013 - Edublog Awards



Jac de Haan (@techwithintent)

Breaking & fixing, learning & teaching.
Educator & Instructional Designer.
Author of The Student Guide to iPads & iOS6.
Opinions are mine, not Google's..

Sue Beckingham (@suebecks)

Educational Developer with a research interest in the use of social media in education.

Sean Junkins (@sjunkins)

Digital Integration Specialist. Apple Distinguished Educator. Google Certified Teacher. STAR Discovery Educator.

fboss (@fboss)

Art teacher-now Education Officer with NCCA ( Views are my own (Rt's are of others')

George Couros (@gcouros)

Division Principal of Innovative Teaching and Learning for #PSD70. Speaker. Consultant. Dog-Lover. Legacy is not defined in what you have, but what you give.

Erin Klein (@kleinerin)

#EdTech Blogger. #NWP Member. SMART Exemplary Educator. Edutopia Guest Blogger. Michigan Reading Association Tech Chair. Scholastic Top Teacher. Presenter.

Jerry Blumengarten (@cybraryman1)

Educator & Writer trying to catalog the internet for students, educators and parents.

Martin Burrett (@ictmagic)

Primary Teacher & educational speaker. Sharing online school resources on my award winning site Contact via

Joyce Valenza (@joycevalenza)
teacher-librarian, learner, SLJ blogger

Steven W. Anderson (@web20classroom)

Educator, Speaker, Blogger, #Edchat Co-Creator, #140Conf Character, Edublogs Twitterer Of The Year, ASCD Emerging Leader. Top 50 Innovators in Education.

Shannon Miller (@shannonmmiller)

Teacher Librarian, Mom & Wife who loves connecting, creating, collaborating & change. Presenter. Consultant. Blogger. Connecting People Shorty Award Recipient.

Eric Sheninger (@nmhs_principal)

Principal of New Milford HS (NJ): NASSP National Digital Principal Award Winner (2012), Google Certified Teacher, Adobe Education Leader, Author, Speaker

Todd Nesloney (@techninjatodd)

Educator, White House Champion of Change, NSBA 20 to Watch, CDE Top 40 Innovators in Education, @ClassroomChamps Teacher (Tweets are my Own)

Bianca Ní Ghrógáin (@groganbee)

Learning Technologist, Teacher @GVETNS, Web 2.0 Enthusiast, Gaelgóir, Human Rights Education Tutor & Eternal Student.

Tom Murray (@thomascmurray)

Director of Technology and Cyber Ed, 1:1 & BYOD, Blogger, Speaker, Consultant, #edtechchat co-founder, Keystone Tech Integrator, BSN Leadership Award, #DLDay

Amber Teamann (@8amber8)

elementary assistant principal, educator, 2.0, adult learning, technology integration luvR, #edcampDallas organizer

Larry Ferlazzo (@larryferlazzo)

Inner-city High School teacher -- ESL & Mainstream

Steve Wheeler (@timbuckteeth)

Web 2.0 researcher, author of The Digital Classroom, Associate Professor of learning technology, international speaker, disruptive activist.

Lisa Johnson (@techchef4u)

TechChef4u CEO, Speaker, ADE 2013, Eanes ISD 1:1 iPad K-12, Social Geek, Mom, Chic Geek iJewelry:

John Schu (@mrschureads)

K-5 School Librarian. Library Journal Mover & Shaker. 2014 Newbery Committee member. Reader. Traveler. Dreamer...

John Heffernan (@johnmayo)

ICT(T&L)Development Officer Blackrock College/h2, GCT, Digital learning & humanities, mobile, GBL History Proven education early adaptor.These tweets are my own

Paul Solarz (@paulsolarz)

National Board Certified 5th grade teacher focusing on 21st Century skills, integrating MacBooks, ChromeBooks & iPads. #EdCampChicago #tlap #Choose2Matter

TeacherToolkit (@teachertoolkit)

Award winning Assistant Headteacher #100Ideas Author @SLTchat & #5MinPlan Writer

Christopher Lehman (@ichrislehman)

Educator, Speaker, Author, Dad. We do what we do so students can be who they can be. (Tweets are my own)

Rafranz Davis (@rafranzdavis)

LEARNER! Math Geek! Inst Technology Specialist, DEN Star, DEN LC, Haiku Deck Guru, smart exemplary educator, Resident Pollyanna, @principalJ 's wordpress Google

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