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Updated by Fusion 360 on Nov 19, 2013
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Stop your nagging..

What are you doing? Stop that! Please tell me you aren’t going out of the house dressed like that? Why are your clothes on the floor? Wipe your mouth. Does this sound like your mother or your partner? Obviously, nagging isn’t anything we want to hear and quite frankly, it doesn’t work! No one likes nagging or being nagged at, so why do we do it? Listen up Utahns. If you or your partner is guilty of nagging, here are some ideas to help you stop nagging and be on your way to a happier, nag free relationship.


Assign tasks

Assign tasks

Assigning tasks helps each person know what is theirs to complete. If you cannot stand a dirty living room, then make it your job to clean it up each day and make it your partner’s job to keep another room in the house tidy. Many couples therapists suggest this.


Be happy with partial improvement

Be happy with partial improvement

Couples therapists say if your spouse never does laundry, consider it progress when they put their dirty clothes in the laundry room instead of leaving them sprawled out across the floor. After all, some progress is better than no progress. If they are improving reward them. Take them out to their favorite Utah restaurant!


Don’t fix things as your partner completes them

Don’t fix things as your partner completes them

This is the easiest way to back track when you’re working on improving, and it can often times lead to couples therapy. If your partner does something you ask, don’t follow them around fixing things as they go. Let them do it their way and be appreciative and thankful that it was completed.


Help your partner out

Help your partner out

If your honey typically takes out the trash, or shovels that dreadful Utah snow, do a nice deed for them and do it yourself every once in a while. This will show that you appreciate them and you do notice when they complete tasks.


Remember proper communication

Remember proper communication

Often times, couples therapists say proper communication can be the key to end all nagging. Most nagging results in couples not communicating and we often nag those who we love the most. Let your partner know where you’re coming from and come up with a solution that works best for the both of you.

Swinton Counseling - Marriage and family therapists

Swinton Counseling specializes in marriage and family counseling. Jonathan Swinton, PhD, is a therapist that can help.

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