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Updated by Bennie Williams on Jan 31, 2015
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Keurig K65 Gourmet Coffee Brewing System



Keurig was founded in 1990 by Peter Dragone and John Sylvan with later support from co-founder and current vice president of Contract Manufacturing & Quality assurance, Dick Sweeney, in 1993. The founders developed the company based on brewing single cups of coffee. Brewing single cups provides for better consistency in the quality of the coffee.
Keurig K-65 Coffee Maker
I often find myself in the right time and the right place. I am not at all into coffee and coffee products. But the Keurig machine has intrigued me. Just 3 weeks ago I heard that the Campbell Soup company is going to release up to 3 different soups in the Keurig K-cup format.
What to Do If Your Keurig Won't Brew
The drawback to this wonderful piece of machinery is that it is made of complicated and sensitive parts. I've heard story after story of Keurig woes, and I've had a few of my own. So what do you do if your Keurig won't brew? Here are some troubleshooting tips if your Keurig gets temperamental.