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Updated by Jill Hart on Oct 02, 2022
Headline for How to start a homestead farm from scratch
Jill Hart Jill Hart
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How to start a homestead farm from scratch

Discover how to start a homestead farm from scratch even on rented land


How to Plant a Vegetable Garden

See what you can learn on the go with the new Howcast App for iPhone and iPad: Watch more Vegetable Gardening videos: Subscribe to Howcast's YouTube Channel - Grow some of your own food by starting a vegetable garden. You'll eat better and save money.

Sustainable Living Conference: Seeds, Goat Cheese, and Native Grannies

Alex Jacobs writes about the 8th Annual Traditional Agriculture & Sustainable Living Conference, taking place this weekend in Espanola, NM

Homemade Quail Cage System

We built this cage using an old shelf we had laying around.This was a great father son project that we built on a Saturday afternoon. This article covers information on bees and was originally featured at The bee, feared for its nasty sting, comes as an unwelcome visitor in our gardens.

Make Comfrey Oil - It is a Carpel Tunnel Natural Remedy!

How to Make Comfrey Oil Making any type of herbal oil is a simple process of infusing the herb into a good quality oil that will allow absorption into the skin. I prefer Almond and Coconut oils for making ointments, oils and lotions.

Greenbeans in the Garden - The West Girls

Learn To Make Homemade Soap Hartnana has a super simple goat's milk soap recipe so that you can enjoy homemade goat's milk soap even if you don't have a goat! Be sure to check out the step by step directions complete with what utinsels you will need to make your own soap and links to places to get the ingredients.

TRIXIE Pet Products Chicken Coop with Outdoor Run

"I wаѕ hеѕіtаnt to buу іt bесаuѕе of the рrеvіоuѕ rеvіеw but I'm glаd I did. Thіѕ is a grеаt coop! Uѕеr frіеndlу, fаѕt to аѕѕеmblу аnd very ѕturdу!. The rеmоvаblе trау іѕ a must tо mаkе cleaning a brееzе. Thе tор ореnѕ аnd thе ѕіdе ореnѕ as well tо gаthеr thе еggѕ. Wе covered the bоttоm with wіrе аѕ wеll to рrеvеnt рrеdаtоrѕ frоm соmіng іn frоm undеrgrоund (like wеаѕеlѕ or raccoons). Wе uѕеd the coop since bаbіеѕ wіth a lіght іnѕіdе, we closed the dооrѕ and lеt thеm get used to thе соор аnd grow up a lіttlе bеfоrе lеttіng thеm gо dоwnѕtаіrѕ." full review here

Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats, 4th Edition: Breeds, Care, Dairying, Marketing

Storey's Guide to Raising Dairy Goats, 4th Edition: Breeds, Care, Dairying, Marketing [Jerry Belanger] on FREE shipping on qualifying offers. With minimal space and housing needs, dairy goats are a practical choice for the small or backyard dairy farmer.

Goats are not hard to raise, provide a good source for milk and are so much fun to have around. It is a good idea to read up on keeping them before you decide to chose a couple to start your herd though. There are some things that are super important to know before you bring your new goats home - trust me it will save you much heartache.


Learn to build a great chicken coop for your Bettys to lay their eggs in and be protected from preditors.

Learn to build a great chicken coop for your Bettys to lay their eggs in and be protected from preditors.

One of the most important pieces of #homesteading is probably raising chickens for meat and eggs. They are an excellent source of protein. Learn to build your own chicken coop for cheap! Click Here

Hart Nana

Make homemade goat's milk soap with this super simple recipe! You can do. You will find everything you need to know and where to procure the items necessary in this article...I think you will be surprised at how affordable and easy this is to do. The Best T Shirts

Find a large selection of country girl tee shirts here!

I Will Always Be A Country Girl Thats Where My Heart Is

I will always be a country girl, that is where my heart is.

The Many Wonders of Goats

#goats #homestead #survival

Living The Homestead Life Becoming Self Sufficient Is a Process

Living the homestead life is a process of becoming self sufficient. Discover where to begin your homesteading life journey here.

Beginners Guide To Raising Chickens - Everything You Need To Know

In this beginners guide to raising chickens we will cover everything you need to know to raise chickens successfully to get fresh eggs.