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Updated by Dianna Smith on Mar 20, 2015
Dianna Smith Dianna Smith
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Best Crawfish Traps

Best Crawfish Traps

By Dianna Smith | Dianna Smith created a magazine on Flipboard. "Best Crawfish Traps" is available with thousands of other magazines and all the news you care about. Download Flipboard for free and search for "Dianna Smith".

Reviews By Dianna
The best crawfish traps are the ones that catch the most crawfish! Well duh! Seriously, you can either buy traps or make them yourself. Most crawfish traps come is a variety of shapes and sizes. Some shapes are more effective than others, but a variety of other factors are important when trapping such as the bait used or even more importantly, the location.
Best Crawfish Traps
Looking for crawfish or crayfish? You need the best traps available to catch those mudbugs!
Best Crawfish Traps: Looking for Crawfish or Crayfish?
Best Crawfish Traps: Looking for Crawfish or Crayfish?
Best Crawfish Traps
Crawfish traps come in various styles and sizes. Here are a variety to choose from.
Best Crawfish Traps: Looking for Crawfish or Crayfish?
Best Crawfish Traps: Looking for Crawfish or Crayfish?
Best Crawfish Traps
Listed are various types of crawfish traps. Some links are clickable to the modules below. They provide more information below as well as the best crawfish traps on Amazon for that design type. Rectangle Flat Bottom Crawfish Traps The most common crawfish traps are rectangular with a flat bottom.
How to Make a Crawfish Trap
How to Make a Crawfish Trap. This article will tell you how to make a crawfish/crawdad trap from two 2-liter bottles. Cut the first bottle just above half way.
MUDBUGGIN, Trapping Crayfish, Crawfish, Mudbugs, Crawdads
Catching Crayfish in our homemade traps, we made 3 more and it started slow but you learn as you go and now as you will see we are doing GREAT. More "catch" updates to come.
For The World's Best Crayfish Trap or Crawfish Trap Enter on the Right!
Welcome!To the Manufacturer's Home of the Only True Escape Proof Crawfish Trap Click one of the pictures below to Crayfish Traps, Crawfish Traps, Crawdad Traps, are all the same and here you will find the best traps ever made worldwide. Wholesale traps for both the Sportsman and the Commercial trapper straight from the manufacturer!