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Updated by Special Ism on Jan 12, 2015
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Fine Motor

Looking for solutions to Fine Motor "Isms"?

The Cutting Truth: Activities to Develop Scissor Skills

Scissor skills are an important part of every child's early childhood development. Although most of us recognize that fact, we don't always realize why children need scissor skills. Aside from the obvious use of scissors, there is also a relationship between scissor skills and writing, and then between writing and reading.

Sloppy Handwriting: What is a Teacher To Do?! 5 Guidelines To Follow

Even in the age of technology, children are still expected to complete tasks that involve handwriting. When you attend a conference or go to a meeting, do you take notes? What are the chances that you will read those notes again?

Help! My Child Hates Writing and Drawing Activities

You know that your child needs to learn some basic visual motor skills in order to be successful in school. And, for whatever reason, your child is not interested or may even be resistant to these activities. Many little boys (and some girls) are more motor-driven, kinetic learners who often have little interest in sitting down to draw or learn to write.