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Updated by anand madihalli on Jan 21, 2015
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Wiener dog costumes

Weiner Dog Races - Weiner Dog Racing News
People who don't race Doxies worry about the publicity, and the fact that the dogs might be injured. Dachshunds have long backs, and are prone to spinal issues. People also worry that if groups start betting on the Weiner dog races, that it will become a dog-eat-dog business like Greyhound racing.
Wiener Dog Race & Costume Contest
Just yesterday I attended Wiener-Paw-Looza in Ottawa for the annual wiener dog festivities, including costume contests, trick contests, raffles, and of course wiener dog races. I was a racing champion last year, and was looking to renew my title at this year's event.
Wiener Dog Race & Small Dog Costume Contest at the Joe
Ladies and gentlemen - START. YOUR. WIENER DOGS!!!! A wiener dog race and a small dog costume contest will both be held at The Joe on Saturday, August 31st starting at 7:30 am. Funds from the event will benefit a 10-year-old girl seeking a living donor match for an urgently needed kidney transplant.