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Updated by Chuck Kent on Jun 16, 2015
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Chuck Kent - Twitter Tributes

SocialSong Saturday No 38
Want to know who to follow on business for Twitter? This weekly song sings the praises of the people tweeting the really good stuff. This week: Linda Dessau, Kyle Lacy, Lauren K. Gray and DJ Thistle
SocialSong Saturday No 37 - 3 Percent Confernce Edition
The 3 Percent Conference is the focus of this week's #SocialSong Saturday, with shout outs to founder Katherine Gordon and speakers Cindy Gallop, Guy Kawasaki, Scott Stratten and Barbara Lippert
#SocialSong Saturday No 36
This special edition of #SocialSong Saturday goes out to three speakers I heard, and one new person I met IRL at Social Media Week Chicago: Erich Marxe of Nissan USA, Libby Pigg of Edelman Digital, Ben Huh of Cheezburger and Liz Morgan of Expion
SocialSong Saturday No 35
Forget $FF -- here's where you get the real Twitter Love (song). In this week's #SocialSong Saturday I'm singing the praises @tedcoine @deniseleeyohn @jasonpeterson and @SMWChicago.
#SocialSong Saturday No 34
Sometimes #FF just won't do for the people tweeting the really good stuff -- I so sing their praises in a weekly "Twitter Love Song." This week includes @martinwaxman @nickkellet @jeffswystun @kunocreative
SocialSong No 33 - A Song-Worthy Tweet
This week, one tweet, from @MichaelDavis777, inspires a whole song... about the desire to make honest human connections on social media, about finding the people who'll "get my jokes, share my posts." So is this song a joke? Well, it may be a bit tongue in check, but I'm not really kidding.
Musical Retweets -SocialSong Saturday No 31
Last week I introduced MRTs -- Muscial Retweets. The response was terrific, so this week I'm featuring a few more, including one that could be a virtual theme song for the whole MRT thing (it's a thing now, didn't you know?).
SocialSong Saturday No 29
This week #SocialSong Saturday stretches from Pasadena to Paris in sharing the most interesting people to follow on Twitter for business
#SocialSong Saturday No. 28
SocialSong returns from vacation (and website rebuilding) break with a decidedly casual production -- the first iPhone, acapella version. Chuck sings the praises of Rebecca Amy Todd, Maria Popova, Jodi Okun and Paul Kiger.
SocialSong Saturday No 27 - Who to Follow on Twitter for Branding
This week's Twitter Love Song goes out to branding experts who also understand and use Twitter: Randy Bowden, Kevin Duffy, Gail Nelson and David Aaker
#SocialSong No 26 - Toasting Jay Baer's Wine List(s)
Add a little life to your Twitter stream with four recommendations (from Jay Baer's Twitter lists) on wine experts to follow on Twitter
#SocialSong Saturday No 24
A special Mother's Day edition of the weekly Twitter love song, acknowledging the best people to follow on Twitter for social media and content marketing
#SocialSong Saturday No 23
SocialSong Saturday, the musical shout-out to those tweeting the really good stuff, this week features four tweeps involved with @JayBaer's upcoming book, Youtility
#SocialSong Saturday No 22
This week #SocialSong Saturday sends a special shout-out to @zenaweist and her jewelry trunk show in support of autism awareness. Zena is in Kansas City, so today's Twitter Love Song goes out to KC in social media, content marketing and creativity (people I purloined from one of her Twitter lists, but who all look very interesting to me).
SocialSong No 21
SocialSong Saturday goes #FF one better by singing the praises of people worth following on Twitter. This week the Twitter Love Song goes out to four people featured in "The Be Attitudes of Facebook Influence," an eBook by Mark Schaefer for which Creative on Call did the design
SocialSong Saturday No 20
Chuck's voice is finally back as he sings the praises of speakers and others he got acquainted with at Social Slam 2013 in this week's Twitter Love Song.
SocialSong Saturday No 18 - UK Tweeps
SocialSong Saturday, and the Twitter Love Song, are technically on vacation this week -- but while we're in England, I couldn't resist giving a shout out to some of the great folks in the UK to follow on Twitter
SocialSong No 17 -- Social Slam 2013 Preview
In a couple of weeks (April 5, to be exact) I'll be headed to Knoxville, TN for Social Slam 2013. This week's #SocialSong Saturday is dedicated to a few of the people I follow on Twitter who I hope to hear, and maybe even meet, at Social Slam.
SocialSong No 17
In a couple of weeks (April 5, to be exact) I'll be headed to Knoxville, TN for Social Slam 2013. This week's #SocialSong Saturday is dedicated to a few of the people I follow on Twitter who I hope to hear, and maybe even meet, at Social Slam.
#SocialSong Saturday No 16
The weekly Twitter Love song goes out to four leaders in social media, content marketing and the study of creativity
SocialSong No 15 - Content Marketing World Sydney
SocialSong Saturday is a bit of musical one-upmanship on the by-now-too-facile Follow Friday, a fun way to find out who's worth following on Twitter for business. This week we (almost) go to Content Marketing World in Sydney Australia.
#SocialSong Saturday No 14 - Social-Content Leaders to Follow on Twitter
The Twitter Love song... the more musical, meaningful way to figure out who to follow on Twitter.
SocialSong Saturday No 13 Vine
SocialSong Saturday is the musical answer to #FF -- and this week the Twitter Love Song goes out on Vine for the first time. I feature four people who are definitely worth following for either branding, social media or content marketing expertise.. or all of the above.
#SocialSong Saturday No. 11 - Unrequited Twitter Love
This special Valentines Week Edition of #SocialSong Saturday skips the usual Twitter Love Song to speak the unspeakable: Unrequited Love on Twitter (with a wink at how it might be overcome).
SocialSong No 10
This week the Twitter love goes out to an agency new biz wiz, the content kings of England, a CD out to make the ad world a better place and a CMS visionary who knows it's not about the platform, it's about the content.