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Updated by James Gubbins on Apr 10, 2017
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50 Education and Technology Thought Leaders You Should Know

Some of my favorite reads when it comes to Education and Technology if I need inspiration, a new challenge or just some fresh perspective
Teacher Reboot Camp
The free Reform Symposium E-Conference takes place this weekend, Friday, Oct. 11th to 13th, 2013. RSCON will be held in conjunction with Connected Educator Month. The event will be held online using the Blackboard Collaborate webinar platform. Attend from the comfort of your home or anywhere that has Internet access.
2¢ Worth
Panelists included Will Richardson, Kathy Cassidy, Darren Cambridge, Jessie Woolley-Wilson & David Warlick. Other kickoff panels include: 21st Century Classroom Management, Making It Count-Integrating Formal and Informal PD, From Connection to Collaboration & Connected Leadership.
Cool Cat Teacher Blog
I noticed that Wikispaces included Dogo books under a new "Education" category in the widget menu. (This looks like a television on the edit bar when you click to Edit a wiki.) So, Dogobooks is a place where kids ar writing book reviews about everything. Very cool.
Teaching like it's 2999

settings page in your Chrome Browser. Then find and click on "Manage Search Engines". Then scroll down to "Other search engines." This is where you can add more shortcuts for searching sites from your OmniBox. You just need to input a name for the search engine, a keywork or hotkey (whatever you want it to be), and the search URL.

Moving at the Speed of Creativity | Weblog of Wesley Fryer
Contents 1. Your Digital Footprint is Key 2. Mail Filtering, Web Forms, Email Aliases and Other Essential Tricks 3. All Prices are Negotiable 4. Find Reliable Monthly Income 5. Use Cloud-Based Invoicing and a Payroll Company 6. Make a Business Plan 7. Personal Relationships and Referrals are Key 8.



As I am gearing myself up to meet students, I started to think of the fact that THEY are also meeting me too! I have several getting to know you activities planned - Buddy Powerpoints, Buddy iPhoto...

Learning In Hand

You can use an adapter and a cable to mirror exactly what's on your iPad's display onto a projector or television screen. When picking out an adapter, you need to know if your device has a Lightning or 30-pin Dock connector. You also need to know if your projector has HDMI or VGA input.

Blog | Angela Maiers, Speaker, Educator, Writer

Arin Kress, a science and math teacher at Park Street Intermediate School in Ohio, is a member of the Choose2Matter team, and author of one of the most popular posts on this blog this year. She is tenacious in her quest to share the message of Choose2Matter and to effect positive change in the lives of the students with whom she works.

A Principal's Reflections
The following is cross-posted at Laura Fleming's blog titled Worlds of Learning. Laura is the new media specialist at NMHS and has been challenged to develop innovative ways to create structures to recognize informal learning of both teachers and students.
To Learn Twice
As the person in our district that is ultimately responsible for technology I often end up making the decision for what devices a student or staff member will be using on a daily basis. One of my common practices is to live with a device before purchasing it or recommending it for someone else.
Learning in Technicolor

I've been a blogger since 2009, but I've been a writer for always. When I was principal, I wanted our students to have safe spaces where they could share their writing with the world and learn to proficiently use digital tools to make their voices heard.

Marzano Research Laboratory | Home
In the spirit of MRL's mission to provide the best research, the most useful actions, and the highest level of services to educators around the world, Dr. Marzano and his associates visited Beijing No. 80 High School in China this month, presenting on Designing and Teaching Learning Goals and Objectives.
The Principal of Change

Stories of learning and leading

Leading from 60,000 feet
Last year I attended my first ever ISTE conference. To say it was a fantastic learning experience would be an understatement. I attended some incredible sessions, met some amazing educators, and thoroughly enjoyed following the #ISTE12 hashtag on Twitter before, during, and after the event.
open thinking
So to make a long story short, there I met you. You sent me an email telling me you were an engineer that travels all the time. You had two kids and your wife died giving birth to the last.
My Island View
It is most commonly known that the two things we should not open a discussion on at a friendly dinner party would be religion, or politics. These two topics stir up passions in people that may take some over the bounds set by acceptable civility at such gatherings.
Website and blog of New York Times best selling author of "The Element", TED speaker, education and creativity expert...

TED Talks Education What should America do about its disastrous high school dropout rate? That's the focus of TED Talks Education, the first ever TED/PBS television special, hosted by John Legend, the award winning musician. The program looks not only at what's going wrong in high schools, but how to put it right.

Mental Musings
Ken Shelton is a Speaker, Consultant, Photographer, Instructional Designer, Trainer, and Educator located in Los Angeles, California
Diane Ravitch's blog on
When I spoke in Sacramento last week about today's failed fads in education, the town's leading newspaper ignored my appearance. They ignored it even though I was introduced by Tom Torlakson, the state superintendent of education, and even though 1,000 people filled historic Memorial Hall. Now I know why.
Home - Marc Prensky

Visionary, yet Practical Perspectives on Education for Today and Tomorrow "Inspiring" "Thought Provoking" "Buzz-Creating" An internationally acclaimed speaker, author, and innovator in the field of education and learning, Marc Prensky offers deep experience and insight into updating our education for today's world, and into using technology in powerful ways to educate today's youth.

Teacher Tech
Based off a suggestion from Chris Tenbarge I am passionate about using spreadsheets for so many things, but one in particular is giving students feedback. I will create an extra column in the spreadsheet resulting from a Google Form and reply back. Oftentimes there is more than one point that I want to address with the student.
Dennis Grice
When does a three and a half day week seem 7 days long? When it's the first week of school.
Be The Change

we need you to start making a ruckus

Blogging Through the Fourth Dimension
Education musings, technology, and lessons; my life as a teacher by Pernille Ripp. (by Pernille Ripp)

October 10, 2013 · 11:04 am Have you ever sat through a bad presentation? Me too. But I never realized how serious of a problem it was until one day in 2008. It was a Wednesday in fact. A cold January Wednesday in the winter of 2008 when I took 112 seventh graders to the computer lab to work on presentations.