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Updated by jeremyclark401 on Mar 20, 2023
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30 Cool Facts About Coding/Programming You Didn’t Know

Discover 30 fascinating and unexpected facts about the world of programming, including the origins of programming languages, the impact of coding on society, and much more.



Programming Fact #1

Ada Lovelace is said to be the first computer programmer. In 1843, she worked along with Charles Babbage, the inventor of mechanical computers, to build the first computer program for one of his machines—the Analytical Engine.


Programming Fact #2

Programming Fact #2

Margaret Heafield Hamilton is a computer scientist and system engineer who developed an on-board flight application for NASA’s A pollo program.


Programming Fact #3

The JAVA language was previously called Oak. It was named after an oak tree that was grown outside James Gosling’s office (Gosling is best known as the founder and lead designer behind the Java coding language). Later, it was renamed Java, from Java coffee (a kind of coffee from Indonesia).


Programming Fact #4

In June 1991, James Gosling, Mike Sheridan, and Patrick Naughton began the Java language project. This programming language was originally created for interactive television, but this language was too modern for the digital cable television sector at that period.


Programming Fact #5

Programming Fact #5

Did you know? There are approximately 700 coding languages.


Programming Fact #6

Programming Fact #6

Grace Hopper and her team created the term from a dead moth they found in Relay 70 of Harvard’s Mark II computer system.


Programming Fact #7

Did yo know? Fortran (FORmula TRANslation) was the first coding language created by John Backus and his team at IBM in the 1950s.


Programming Fact #8

Computer codes had played a pivotal role in ending World War II. An English computer scientist, Alan Turing, was successful in deciphering Nazis’ code machine ENIGMA with his cryptologic and mathematical skills.


Programming Fact #9

In this Covid-19 pandemic time, Avi Schiffmann, a teenager, developed one of the world’s most popular COVID-19 monitoring websites. He coded, the admired covid virus tracker that is one of the most visited corona trackers across the globe.


Programming Fact #10

Kautilya Katariya from UK is the youngest to take up programming at the age of 6. He developed AI applications after completing an array of study materials from IBM. He became a Guinness World Record holder.


Programming Fact #11

Did you know? ADA is a coding language built in 1980 that is used by the International Space Station. In 1995, this programming language was accepted as an international standard programming language.


Programming Fact #12

In 1980, MIT mathematician and a co-founder of the coding language LOGO, Seymour Papert published a book “Mindstorms: Children, Computers and Powerful Ideas” in 1980. The book tells, kids can enhance their cognitive thinking skills by learning to code.


Programming Fact #13

Bill Gates, Co-founder of Microsoft, created his first computer program- an implementation of tic-tac-toe that enabled users to play games against the computer.


Programming Fact #14

Go is a programming language that was designed at Google in 2007 to enhance coding productivity in the time of multicore, networked machines and large codebases.


Programming Fact #15

During the creation of the Java coding language, Sun Microsystem’s’ Green Project developed its first operational demo, an interactive handheld home entertainment controller known as Star 7. There was a cartoon character named Duke in the touch-screen user interface. It was designed by one of the graphic artists- Joe Palrang. Later he worked on many popular animated movies such as Shrek, Over the Hedge, and many more.


Programming Fact #16

Alan Turing invented the “Turing Test” (one of the Turing tests is CAPTCHA). It is a set of twisted numbers or words on online forms that assist to identify humans from computers. This CAPTCHA was also the contribution of Alan Turing.


Programming Fact #17

Markus Persson, a Swedish software programmer, developed and launched the computer game- Minecraft in 2009. Later the computer game became so popular that Microsoft bought the game for $2.5 billion.


Programming Fact #18

Steve Jobs and his partner Steve Wozniak began their career by building a computer arcade game named “Breakout.”


Programming Fact #19

PHP language was not created to be used worldwide for enterprise applications. Rasmus Lerdorf, the creator of PHP, built this coding language just to manage his personal web project! But, with time PHP became one of the popular programming languages in the market.


Programming Fact #20

As per Gartner, more than 65% of application development in 2024 will be done by low code programming.


Programming Fact #21

Schneider Electric, a global leader in energy management and automation firm, developed 60 apps with low-code programming in 20 months.


Programming Fact #22

When Guido Van Rossum was implementing the Python programming language, along with that he was reading the published scripts from Monty Python’s Flying Circus (a BBC comedy series). He was looking for a name that was concise, unique, and mysterious, so he decided to name the programming language -Python.


Programming Fact #23

Before creating the “C”, one of the most well-known programming languages, there was a predecessor coding language known as the “B”. This “B” language was written by Ken Thompson, a Turing Award-winning computer scientist. Later, Dennis Ritchie created the “C” language by improving the “B” language.


Programming Fact #24

Fred Cohen is known as the inventor of computer virus defense techniques. In 1983, he developed a parasitic application that could ‘infect’ computer systems. He called it a computer virus.


Programming Fact #25

There are multiple meanings of the word “Final” in the Java programming language.

"Final Class — A final class cannot be inherited. Final Variable — the value of such variable cannot be modified after it is assigned. Final Method — Method cannot be overridden"