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Updated by Jill Hart on Oct 02, 2022
Headline for Black Jersey Giant Chickens
Jill Hart Jill Hart
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Black Jersey Giant Chickens


Chicken Pics: Photos of Popular Chicken Breeds (and all things Chicken!): Jersey Giant Chickens

The Huge Jersey Giant Chicken! Black Jersey Giant Chick Black Jersey Giant Hen Black Jersey Giant Rooster Jersey Giant chickens are aptly named as many of them reach 10 pounds or more. Developed in New Jersey in the mid 1800's, the Jersey Giant is the largest chicken breed in the world.

Jersey Giants - Chicken Breed Information

History Jersey Giants are the largest purebred breed of domestic chickens. The breed was created between 1870 and 1890 by brothers John and Thomas Black in Burlington County, New Jersey. Their original intention was to breed a large table bird that could take the place of a turkey.

Maria's Jersey Giants - Focusing on "Quality" verse "Quantity"Producing some of the nicest laced blues, blacks, and s...

What started as a hobby in raising Jersey giants & providing fresh eggs for the family has now gained popularity in the chicken world. Folks are wanting a breed of chicken that is gentle, excellent 4-H projects, and a breed that is dual purpose providing fresh eggs and/or meat for the family.

Jersey Giant

The Jersey Giant is a breed of chicken which originated in the United States in the late 19th century. They were created by John and Thomas Black. The breed was created with the intent to replace the turkey as the primary meat poultry breed at that time.

Black Jersey Giant Chickens

Day Old Black Jersey Giant Baby Chicks Hatching February to October. The largest of the domestic chickens, Jersey Giants are impressive. At full maturity, they make an excellent roasting bird. Production: Jersey Giants are generally raised as meat birds, because of their large size. Compared to other heavy breeds, they are also considered good layers.

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