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Updated by DJ Waldow on Dec 26, 2019
DJ Waldow DJ Waldow
138 items   115 followers   625 votes   20.38k views

Best Marketing Speakers

A list of the best of the best marketing speakers in the industry.

What started as a simple question on Facebook:

Complete this sentence (and @ / tag 'em): My favorite speaker (who knows about marketing) is ...

turned into a list of 99 folks, which I then turned into my first, of course.

Please add, comment, share, use, vote, etc etc

Note: I added these speakers in the order they were mentioned in the FB post*



Jay Baer

Jay Baer

NY Times best selling author, marketing consultant, keynote speaker. President of Convince & Convert (
Bloomington, Indiana

Ann Handley

Author. Marketer. Content creator. Cool glasses. I'm also @marketingprofs here. One more thing: I always make myself laugh.

Joe Pulizzi

Founder, Content Marketing Institute (@CMIContent) and Content Marketing World #cmworld. Author, Epic Content Marketing. Obsessed about the color orange
Cleveland, OH

Gary Vaynerchuk

Family 1st! but after that, Businessman. Just a dude that Loves the Hustle, People & the @NYJets. CEO of @vaynermedia. Tasted wine for years at @winelibrary

Seth Godin

Founder of , author, blogger.

Mark Schaefer

Chieftain of the social web's most unique blog, {grow}. Consultant, college professor, author of Return On Influence, Born to Blog, and Tao of Twitter
Tennessee and New York


DJ Waldow

DJ Waldow

Digital Marketing Evangelist @ Marketo | U of Michigan | Co-host of The #WorkTalkShow podcast - | Lover of beer, coffee, & people.
San Francisco Bay Area, CA

Marcus Sheridan

Passionately writing about all things inbound & content marketing, business, & life success principles. Also the best dang speaker you've ever heard! :)

Mitch Joel

President of Twist Image. Marketer. Speaker. Author. Media Hacker. Blogger and Podcaster of Six Pixels of Separation. New book - CTRL ALT Delete - out now!
Here, There, Everywhere...

David Meerman Scott

Marketing strategist, keynote speaker, and bestselling author of 8 books including The New Rules of Marketing & PR and Newsjacking.
Boston, MA

Andrew Davis

The difference between a good #marketing strategy and a bad one lies in the questions you ask. Author of Brandscaping: Unleashing the power of partnerships
Boston, MA

Rand Fishkin

CEO/founder of Moz. I tweet 50-75X/week primarily on marketing, SEO, startups & entrepreneurship topics
Seattle, WA


April Dunford

April Dunford

Helping startups do great marketing that grows revenue. Startup marketing, inbound marketing, content marketing, running.

Travis Wright - @teedubya

The latest from Travis Wright (@teedubya). Digital Disrupter, Social Media Awesomeizer, StandUp Comic, Entrepreneur, SEO Geek, Marketing Consultant & Tech Startup Growth Hacker. My Tweet-Fu is Strong. Kansas City, MO

Andy Crestodina

Web strategist and co-founder of Orbit Media (@orbiteers). Speaker, content marketer, environmentalist and author
Chicago, IL - Ravenswood

Tom Webster

VP of Strategy, Edison Research. Consumer insights, social media data and folksy analogies. I tell the stories of numbers. Other half of @tamadear.
Chapel Hill, NC and Boston, MA

John Jantsch

Small business marketing consultant, speaker and author of Duct Tape Marketing, The Referral Engine and The Commitment Engine
Kansas City, MO

Bryan Kramer

President/CEO of @PureMatter in Silicon Valley. Listed as Global Top 50 Social CEO by Huffington Post & Kred. All opinions are mostly my own
San Jose, CA

Jason Miller

The latest from Jason Miller (@JasonMillerCA). Sr. Manager Content & Social @Linkedin Marketing Solutions, Blogger, RocknRoll Photographer, amateur comedian, aspiring magician. Opinions here are mine. San Francisco, CA

Scott Stratten

Author, Speaker and kind of a big deal on a fairly irrelevant soc media site which inflates my self-importance.
Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Scott Monty

Global head of social media at Ford Motor Company, husband, dad, co-host of, and a generally nice guy. Formerly from Boston
Detroit, MI

Chris Brogan

Publisher, Owner Magazine ( ) More? . contact:
Boston, MA


Jon Miller

Jon Miller

Jon (@jonmiller) is VP Marketing and co-founder at Marketo. He presents the "Marketo Secret Sauce" and is author of The Definitive Guides to Marketing Automation, Engaging Email Marketing, and Marketing Metrics & ROI. Jon is also on the Board of Scripted and is an advisor to Optimizely and Newscred.

Gini Dietrich

CEO Arment Dietrich. Author @spinsucks. Co-author Marketing in the Round. Founder @spinsuckspro. Speaker. Avid cyclist. A foodie. Loves shoes & wine.
Chicago, IL