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Updated by Designers Books on Nov 13, 2013
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Favorite Design Books Of All Time

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Pamphlet Architecture 11-20

7 x 8.5 inches, hardcover 604 pages, 466 black-and-white illustrations Suggested Retail Price: $45.00 From the Publisher. The Pamphlet Architecture series was founded in 1978 by architect Steven Holl and William Stout as a venue for publishing the works, thoughts, and theory of a new generation of architects.

The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (vols. 1-3)

The symbolic form has long been considered by many who knew it in the original German as the greatest of Ernst Cassirer's works. Into it he poured all the resources of his vast learning about language, myth, religion, art, and science- the various creative symbolizing activities and constructions through which man has expressed himself and given intelligible objective form to his experience.

I Seem To Be a Verb


Graphic Design: A History, 2nd Edition

Nonfiction, Graphic Design Suggested Retail Price: $65.00 From the Publisher of the British edition (also available from Yale University Press). Now in its second edition, this wide-ranging, seminal text offers an accessible account of the history of graphic design from the nineteenth century to the present day.

Make It Bigger

Nonfiction, Graphic Design From the Publisher. In Make in Bigger, Scher candidly reveals her thoughts on design practice, drawing on her own experiences as one of the leading designers in the United States, and possibly the most famous female graphic designer in the world.