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Best WordPress Information and Resources

What is a WordPress Website, Build It with WordPress, WordPress Dashboard, Functions File, WordPress Hosting, Best Plugins, Multilingual Plugins, Categories & Tags, Secure WordPress Hosting, WordPress Mistakes?

What is a WordPress Website?

A Comprehensive WordPress Blog

At its simplest explanation, WordPress is the most popular website builder or blog software. WordPress powers over 40% of all websites on the Internet today. WordPress is a great content management system for bloggers. Bloggers can post any type of content and manage them easily.

WordPress Backups – Forums

Your WordPress database contains every post, every comment and every link you have on your blog. If your database gets erased or corrupted, you stand to lose everything you have written. There are many reasons why this could happen, and not all are things you can control. With a proper backup of your WordPress database and files

Hardening WordPress – Forums

Security in WordPress is taken very seriously, but as with any other system there are potential security issues that may arise if some basic security precautions aren’t taken. This article will go through some common forms of vulnerabilities, and the things you can do to help keep your WordPress installation secure.

Using WordPress to Build a Website


Is building websites with WordPress easy? WordPress is easy for beginners as well as seasoned designers. Anyone can use this CMS for a personal or company website. Installation with cPanel and Softaculous. WordPress Themes. Changing Themes. Plugins, Creating New Pages. Appearance, Step by step guide Forums

WordPress Support

We’ve got a variety of resources to help you get the most out of WordPress. WordPress is very flexible and versatile. Here are some examples of what you can do, just to get your imagination started.

With hundreds of Content Management Systems to choose from, WordPress is still the most popular.
Estimating that at least 35% of all Websites are powered by WordPress. WordPress is the Preferred Content Management System. It is more than just a CMS. Evolving into a platform where you can publish practically any type of website.

The Best WordPress Sites in the World |

Discover inspiration in some of the most beautiful, best designed WordPress websites.

The WordPress Dashboard Explained

WordPress Dashboard

The Dashboard is essentially the control panel for your entire WordPress website. It is where you can create and manage content, add functionality in the form of plugins, change styling in the form of themes, create posts, media library, pages, comments, appearance options, users, tools, settings and more.

Adding Favicon to a Website, WordPress Tutorials-Beginners

A favicon (short for favorite icon) is a small image generally intended to be used when you bookmark a web page. RSH Web Services favicon: wordpress favicon.

Protecting and Hiding Your Email Address WordPress Tutorials

Spammers often use spambots commonly known as Email Harvesters that will search the Internet for your email address. If your email address is publicly available through your Website, it is vulnerable to these kinds of Harvesters. Below are a few simple ways you can protect yourself while still providing an email address for your visitors.

Theme Functions | Theme Developer Handbook | WordPress Developer Resources

The functions.php file is where you add unique features to your WordPress theme. It can be used to hook into the core functions of WordPress to make your theme more modular, extensible, and functional. The functions.php file behaves like a WordPress plugin, adding features and functionality to a WordPress site. You can use it to call WordPress functions and to define your own functions.

The Complete Guide to the WordPress Functions File

What is the Function File in WordPress?

All WordPress themes come with a powerful "functions.php" file. This file acts as a plugin and allows you to do a lot of interesting things on your WordPress site. In this article, we will show you some of the most useful tricks for your WordPress functions file.

Benefits of Using the Content Management System WordPress Built

Are you looking for the benefits of WordPress online? Visit our Business Resource Center & check out the benefits of using WordPress as a Content Management System.

What Is Managed WordPress Hosting?

Installation, backups, updates are installed and configured as well as the web servers optimized specifically for WordPress. With hundreds of Content Management Systems to choose from, WordPress is still the most popular. Estimating that at least 35% of all Websites are powered by WordPress.

24 "Must Have" WordPress Plugins & Tools for Business Sites (2022)

Looking for the best WordPress plugins to use on your business website? Here's our expert-pick of the must have WordPress plugins for professional websites.

WordPress Plugins |

WordPress Plugins

Extend your WordPress experience! Browse 59,637 free plugins. Choose from thousands of free plugins to build, customize, and enhance your WordPress website.

What are the Best Must Have WordPress Plugins

Looking for Best WordPress Plugins? These plugins are selected from the thousands of WordPress Plugins available on the Internet today. It is absolutely essential to give a careful thought about the visual appearance, readability and overall functionality of your WordPress website

Creating a Live Chat Room in WordPress

A chat room hosted on your WordPress website will allows your visitors to chat with you and each other and solve customer issues all in real time - WordPress Tutorials

5 Plugins to Speed Up WordPress Websites | BrowserStack

Willing to learn how to speed up WordPress websites using plugins? Check out 5 extremely useful WP plugins that helps make your websites faster and lighter.

WordPress Optimization Plugins For Your Website

Some of best WordPress optimized plugins which you can use on your blogs or websites to have better speed, increase search engine traffic and much more. Plugins are small programs that when installed run as part of a WordPress website.

Creating a WordPress Page, Tutorials For Beginners

Creating a WordPress Page - Simple Steps - WordPress Tutorials. Creating a WordPress page is very similar to creating a post. These pages are intended for static content.

【Wordpress security issues】- Vulnerabilities and Common Attacks 

Solving a WordPress security issue requires thorough analysis, applying best practices, and using right [resources and tools]( to mitigate risks. Learn how to best avoid them.

5 Infamous WordPress Hacks During the Pandemic

Most recently, cybersecurity analysts found an existing vulnerability hidden in WordPress plugins. Cyber-attacks also saw an increase during the pandemic as more and more people resorted to virtual connectivity. News about hacking groups targeting the sensitive data of millions of individuals has already surfaced, with governments being forced to pay a hefty ransom

WordPress Posts vs Pages, Tutorials For Beginners

When it comes to creating content for your WordPress site, you have the option to choose between creating either a post or page. Both have their respective uses and can add very dynamic elements to your site.

The Top 9 Benefits of Multilingual Websites

Do you want to reach a wider audience, increase sales and customer satisfaction? You need to make your website multilingual. If you want to create an optimal user experience and speak to your customers in their own language