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Updated by Shim Marom on Sep 06, 2024
Shim Marom Shim Marom
70 items   10 followers   2 votes   6.03k views

pmFlashBlog Contributors

This is the list of blogs who have committed to join in to the pmFlashBlog initiative.

The list is now closed and no new entries would now be accepted.

*Following the release date (25th Sep) the list will be updated again and blogs who have not released a #pmFlashBlog related post will be removed.

Agile World

I am sure many of us are familiar with this message "It works on my system". I recently got the same answer not from a developer but from the customer service team of the popular loyalty card. As a card member, I couldn't login to my account and reached out the customer care team through their Twitter help service.


My career didn't begin in project management. It took a lot of heartache and many dramatic changes to take me along that career path. Life-changing injuries from the Paddington Train Crash in 1999 drove me to become a master of reinvention and a catalyst for change in areas much further than just my personal life.


After my previous posts on Office Politics I got some very interesting reactions from readers. Many of them included the same question: How to be good at Office Politics without getting into unnecessary conflicts? In order to answer this question, we have to understand why engaging in Politics leads to conflicts initially.

Better Projects

I think this book by Tobias is beautifully written. There is real craftmanship in the prose here. The book is made up of independent self contained stories and reflections on various themes related to the Agile Software Development movement. Each one is a parable seeking to impart some of Tobias' wisdom onto the reader.




Blog posts from PM-Partners. We tackle some of the leading issues within the project management industry, like training (Exam Time: More Firms Are Requiring PMP Test-Taking), consultancy (The Most Misunderstood Project Management Terms, Always a Job for a Project Manager?), and delivery.




Tagged with: getting started, Initiation Posted in Business case, Planning, Project initation, Project organisation, Risk management

Blog | Guerrilla Project Management

Dan Pink shares the big ideas in his books A Whole New Mind, Drive, and To Sell is Human on the surprising truth about how to move and motivate others. Dan Pink has written three books that have changed the way I think about motivation and influence.


In 1989 Stephen R. Covery published his seminal work "The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People". It's since sold 25m printed copies, 15m audio books, and been translated into 38 languages worldwide. It remains one of the Top 25 business books today.

Change Through Action

a guest spot on with Robert Kelly and . It's as valid now as it was then so I'm republishing it to trigger thinking and maybe, just maybe, tangible change through action.

CommsAbilities -

It is impossible to force change on people, though so many project teams try and fail. Their natural reaction is resistance, or lip service and a return to old behaviours when the project ends. Either way, productivity falls, customer service suffers and costs escalate.

Consulting 101

When I started out my IT consulting career, I made sure to read and follow the firm's guidelines.Not that I'm a prodigious goody-two-shoes rule-follower - I can question authority with the best of them.I just wanted to make sure I did a good job and conformed to an acceptable degree.If the firm required me to wear a suit and tie, who was I to fight that?

CSD Blog

Thanks to Shim Marom, owner of the quantmleap project management blog for contributing this post to CSD. For the uninitiated the term Project Management might sound like an exotic, uncharted and illusive idea.

Le rendez-vous des francophones intéressés par le management de projet et le leadership

Delivering change

We need to develop a strong base of skills in middle management More and more companies are being hard pressed to find and retain top talent; coupled with this is the need to put together the right team for the project.

| EarthPM: At the intersection of Green (or even better - Sustainability) and Project Management

We love community learning, collaboration - even between sometimes-competitors. We've written about this before, using as an example. What fantastic accomplishments they've achieved, despite being a consortium of customers, competitors, and suppliers. Read about that in previous postings or as covered in one of our presentations.

Eight to Late

Introduction Successful management consultants are often seen as experts and trendsetters in the business world. The best among them are able to construct convincing narratives about their expertise and experience, thereby gaining the trust of senior managers in large organisations. Have you ever wondered how they manage to pull this off?

DSDM Atern bygger på: Modellen er som du måske vil se (!) meget skalerbar, og kan fungere med både helt små enkle projekter, såvel som store komplekse projekter. Jeg har lavet en lidt fordansket version af DSDM Atern til en større dansk virksomhed, som kan bruges til inspiration og forståelsesramme.

Henny Portman's Blog

I'll be taking part in the first ever project management 'flashblog'. More than 60 project management bloggers will be writing their thoughts on the title 'What does project management mean to me - a Project Manager's sermon'. All blogs will be published simultaneously on 25th September at 1am GMT.

Herding Cats

There's a post on a Deltek implementation partner site about applying Earned Value. It has some good advice, but the premise of the starting point needs to be addressed. Before going on to suggest things to do on a project using EVM, it's best to have one of those don't do stupid things on purpose discussions.




En los últimos meses han entrado 4 personas nuevas a hacer parte de monoku, esto no es algo común en la oficina y al ser una empresa pequeña, nuestro "protocolo de recibimiento" es algo que varía mucho, no es rígido pero tampoco está muy pulido y aunque para mí es agradable que no sea algo cuadriculado, siento que es demasiado importante darle una guía clara de su rol, a cada persona nueva.

How to Manage a Camel - Project Management and Recruitment

Project management and recruitment news from Arras People

Ivan Rivera, PMP

Siguiendo la línea del Post anterior, ahora del blog de ProjectManger vamos a revisar 4 tipos de Informes de Proyectos. El Administrador del Proyecto constantemente escicha una pregunta: ¿Puedo tener ese informe antes del lunes? Tal vez lo pregunta el patrocinador del proyecto o su oficina de proyectos, o un colega.

Journal of a Project Manager

It seemed filled with issues.

Juggling Sand

If you work in the best interests of the organisation, then that will be noticed. People will try to do you over from time to time (think daily) but if you're working in the best interests of the organisation, then they'll be seen for what they are.