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Updated by Dianna W. Perry on Apr 11, 2023
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CMARIX is a leading web development company in India. With the experience of 13+ years, We build fully custom websites with high user experience. Contact us for custom web development services.

How to Create a Peer-To-Peer Payment App? [A Fintech Startup Guide]

Want to develop a Peer-To-Peer Payment App in 2023? Follow this step-by-step guide to know how to build a P2P payment app that will help you grow your Fintech business.


How to Add Twitter Login to Your Android App?

How to Add Twitter Login to Your Android App?

Social login is a popular method of choice for web and mobile users when browsing online. Basically it gives the ability to gain access to a website/application with your Social media profile instead of creating a new account for each online entity you use. Read more: How to integrate Twitter login in Android Mobile App


How to Build a P2P Payment App: The Complete Guide

How to Build a P2P Payment App: The Complete Guide

Peer-to-peer payment app are also known as person-to-person payments. These refer to the financial transactions from the bank account of one person to another with the help of a mobile app. These apps are known as peer-to-peer applications. Visit here to read more: How to Build a Peer-To-Peer Payment App in 2022-2023

Why Do Developers Prefer Using Framework for Development?

One of the most popular programming languages today is the .NET language. It has been used to develop desktop and web applications for years, but it has only recently become a critical part of modern application development. The MVC development company are using this language to build business and web applications, which help companies reach new heights.


10 Best Vue Mobile UI Frameworks For App Developers

10 Best Vue Mobile UI Frameworks For App Developers

Vue makes it easy for developers to build top-rated mobile apps with excellent features such as cross-platform compatibility, extensive documentation, and more. Different dedicated mobile UI frameworks can significantly speed up the development process. However, for that, you need to hire the leading VueJS Development Company. Read more: Top 10 Vue Mobile UI Frameworks for Developing Mobile Apps

Flutter Vs Traditional Native Mobile Development: A Comprehensive Comparison

If you are a developer and notice which platform is best? Then, decide anything about flutter and traditional native mobile development. They are highly user experienced and highly scalable. Likewise, it is the most common relation and notices the major difference. After the detailed comparison, you can prefer the flutter app development company for your business.

Which is Your Framework of Choice: Angular or Vue?

Instead of focusing on every feature accessible in every framework, you should assess your business requirements against the capabilities offered by each framework.

Best Tips to Hire Ionic App Developer in 2023

The recognition of cellular apps has made app improvement a revolutionary course of. With cellular apps changing into more and more common, it’s essential for app builders to be modern. This implies hiring ionic app developers to construct apps that provide customers one thing new and totally different.

Best WordPress Image Optimization Plugins to Speed up Your Website

The users can use different plugins as the requirement and their level. Like there is a different plugin for beginners and different for mass optimization. So, one can make the selection of plugins as per the need and experience of the users.


Top 19 ASP .Net Core Features You Need to Know

Top 19 ASP .Net Core Features You Need to Know

.NET Core is an open-source, modular, and high-performance platform for building modern applications. It is the latest iteration of the .NET framework, designed for building applications for cloud, web, desktop, gaming, IoT, and AI. Read more: Top 19 Essential Best Practices for .Net Core Development


Know The Cost to Hire Dedicated ReactJS Developers

Know The Cost to Hire Dedicated ReactJS Developers

If you want to know the exact cost of hiring the react app developer then you must share your project requirements with your shortlisted developers as they can help you get the right figure after assessing your project from an effort and time investment point of view. Read more: How Much does it Cost to Hire Dedicated ReactJS Developers?

Step-by-Step Guide For React Native Multilingual Setup

The ability to build in several languages is essential when creating an app with a global reach. Let’s dive into learning more about React Native’s multilingual configuration options.

The State of Node.js & Javascript for Backend Development

Node.js is booming. Netflix, Uber, PayPal, Twitter, and more well-known organizations use Node.js. Node.js ranks 6th in Stack Overflow's 2021 Developer Survey, with roughly one-third of node js development company preferring it.

Essentials to Consider When Hiring Node.js Developers

Node.js is a versatile platform with a large community of developers that can help you build just about anything you can imagine with JavaScript. It’s also famous for building back-end and front-end applications and has a growing number of mobile, tablet, and desktop app developers.


Healthcare Web Development in 2023: In- Depth Guide

Healthcare Web Development in 2023: In- Depth Guide

Want to build a healthcare web app? This in-depth guide will provide insights into the best healthcare web app development practices in 2023. Read more: Healthcare Web Development in 2023: In- Depth Guide

16 Reasons Why You Must Use Node.js for Web Development

Node.js for web design is a breakthrough technology with distinct advantages. It is regarded by developers as one of the most effective cross-platform JavaScript environments for creating robust and reliable REST APIs, mobile apps, and online applications. So if you are not a programmer or a new entrepreneur, you must definitely choose the best Node.js development company.

The Future of Node.js: What Do You Need to Know?

Node.js is a useful tool for building system dashboards, which may be used to collect and display real-time information on website users. Create cutting-edge apps with the utmost ease with help from the Expert node js web development company. Therefore, it’s imperative that you fully understand that.


17 No-Code Apps and Tools to Help Build Your Next Startup

17 No-Code Apps and Tools to Help Build Your Next Startup

CMARIX is one such app development company that enables you to build any type of website you desire, including fully functional (and cloneable!) job boards, e-commerce sites, or SaaS app development. Read more: 17 No-Code Apps to Help Build Your Next Startup Business 2023

Reasons to Choose ReactJS for Mobile App Development in 2023

ReactJS is a powerful library that can be used to create highly interactive user interfaces. It is easy to maintain and understand.


Magento 2.0 Development - Ultimate Magentо Experience

Magento 2.0 Development - Ultimate Magentо Experience

Hire magento developers and create Custom GraphQL in Magento 2. GraphQL is a query language for API to allow the customers to fetch the required data while the server returns only the required information. GraphQL was introduced in Magento 2.3 to replace REST and SOAP API. GraphQL is used to read data by query and write data to the server through a mutation.


Biggest Cloud Computing Challenges in 2020 for IT Service Provider

Biggest Cloud Computing Challenges in 2020 for IT Service Provider

In this technologically upgraded era, cloud computing has become a common term used by many professionals. Cloud Computing implies the storage, management, and access of massive data and software applications over the web. Global IT companies hire aws developers to manage the entire cloud computing system. Read more: 9 Biggest Cloud Computing Challenges For Global IT Companies

Ultimate Ecommerce Guide for Magento, Shopify, and PrestaShop

Today, every retailer has a virtual storefront to reach customers, whether in-store, on the web, or a blend of both, and they rely on it to stay in business with the help of Magento development company.

Mobile App Development Company in Kuwait

CMARIX TechnoLabs is a professional mobile app development company in Kuwait. We have an experienced & talented team of app developers. Call Now.


What is Ionic: Advantages of Cross-Platform Mobile App

What is Ionic: Advantages of Cross-Platform Mobile App

Ionic is a beautiful, open-source front-end SDK created in 2013 by Drifty Co for developing hybrid mobile apps with web technologies. Advantages of Ionic framework app development are endless. It uses AngularJS, SASS, and Phonegap to develop Hybrid Mobile Applications. Read more: Benefits of Ionic Framework App Development

The Future of WordPress Development: 7 Trends to Watch

The first trend to look out for in the WordPress development industry is the rise of headless WordPress, which separates the front-end and back-end of a website, allowing for greater flexibility and customization.