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Updated by Claudia Corrigan D'Arcy on Jan 20, 2015
Headline for Standing Our Ground for Veronica Rose Brown
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Standing Our Ground for Veronica Rose Brown

Native American Cherokee Citizen Veronica Rose Brown lives in Oklahoma with her father National Guardsman Dusten Brown. An unethical adoption is threatening separate this loved 4 year old child from her family due to legalities and adoptive parent entitlement.


The Baby Veronica Saga: Denial of a Father's Rights and Now a $1 Million Lesson

The last time most of us heard about the heart-breaking Baby Veronica case was several weeks ago, when the child's Native American father gave up his years-long legal battle to retain custody of her, and her adoptive parents promised to maintain ties to her biological family.

Daily Kos
While I began this series to address the various issues of adoption, I have been asked to comment on the Veronica Brown case. To be blunt... I have been avoiding addressing it. Mostly because I break into a frothing rage when ever I just think about that case!
Matt and Melanie Capobiancos Lower Than The Lowest Excuse for Human Beings | Musings of the Lame
They Take His Child, Want to Throw Him in Jail and Now Bankrupt Dusten Brown Too? I'll just start out by saying if you are easily offended or have delicate sensibilities, then you might not want to keep reading.
All In The Family Adoption
Something has been bothering me lately about Ronnie (Veronica) Brown's adoption. It's making my head spin, so I've decided to write it down andmaybe someone can set me straight. We all know (well, those of us who use logic to assess situations) Ronnie was removed from Oklahoma under false pretenses.
Native Adoptee Susan Fedorko: Veronica's 'Lost Bird Wings' Will Fly Her Back
My heart is heavy for Dusten Brown and the entire Cherokee Nation/Native American people.

He has done everything right he could do to keep his biological daughter Veronica.

I am a Native American adoptee who was adopted prior to the Indian Child Welfare Act of 1978. I spent my entire life trying to return to my Native people. I finally returned at the age of 40.

The Declassified Adoptee: The "Baby Veronica" Case Through the Eyes of One Adult Adoptee

I have been watching the "Baby Veronica" case for some time now. I have witnessed the reporting slants of various news outlets; the outrage of concerned citizens; the shock and grief of fellow adoptees; and the powerful replies of the First Nations.

Fathers' Rights in Adoption

I began composing this post a while ago and planned for it to be mainly a research-focused article highlighting the rights fathers do and do not have when it comes to their children being adopted out. Then the unfathomable happened: Dusten Brown was forced to relinquish his four-year-old daughter, Veronica, to the couple who have...

Donaldson Adoption Institute

INSTITUTE CALLS FOR GREATER PROTECTION OF BIRTH/FIRST PARENT RIGHTS For Use in Weekend/Monday Stories Relating to 'Baby Veronica' To arrange an interview or if you have questions, please contact the Adoption Institute's Executive Director, Adam Pertman, at 617-763-0134 or . NEW YORK, Sept.

Above the Law

As an adoption, Baby Girl vs Adoptive Couple reveals irregularities at best and complete disregard for law at worst. 1) Veronica was 3 days old residing in Oklahoma when the initial adoption paperwork was filed in South Carolina. 2) Dusten did NOT (as verified by court documentation) sign away his parental rights nor give his permission to place Veronica for adoption.

To Veronica Capobianco on her 18th birthday

Dear Veronica, Whatever your adoptive parents have told you for the past sixteen years, I hope they have told you this: You were loved, cherished, and wanted by your father. I don't mean Matt Capobianco, even though you have grown up calling him "Daddy" and "Dad."

I Will Pull This Blog Over!

As I write this rumors are circulating that you have received physical custody of Baby Veronica. I say rumors because in all honesty, I am afraid to look to confirm it since even the thought that this is true makes me want to throw up.

Adoption Truth: A Family Destroyed

I don't know if I can write this. If it is even worth it. If any of this is worth it anymore. We have failed a sweet, innocent little girl. Failed her in the worst of ways. And I say we for all of us. A society. A nation. Our media.

Veronica Rose Brown: A Child Stolen Through an Unethical Adoption

Yesterday, the OK courts lifted the temporary stay and the "prize" was returned to her rightful owners. After all they wanted her more, they paid more, they fought more, they had more purchased influence on their side, they lied more, they cheated more, they played a dirtier game from the beginning.

Veronica Fact Resource

Please review the following resources related to the ongoing custody case for Veronica Brown. If you are just becoming aware of this issue, or if you would like an overview of the main points, please start with the Frequently Asked Questions. Frequently Asked Questions Tulsa World FAQ Case Overview Wikipedia Summary Fact Checks National Indian...

The Art of Deception

Often, if we compare statements one has made at different times, we are able to detect slight differences. We can see how one's story changes. We'd like to bring you for comparison, Birth Mother, Christy Maldonado's affidavit from the Oklahoma court case in Adoptive Couple vs. Baby Girl.

Adoption Truth: Veronica Rose Brown - A Father's Fight

Sometimes, just a few sentences can say SO much . . . The above quote comes directly from Melanie Capobianco's testimony in the case Adoptive Couple vs Baby Veronica.

Governor Fallin: Protect Baby Veronica's 14th Amendment Rights

I just signed a petition to Niki Haley, Governor of South Carolina, The Oklahoma State House, The Oklahoma State Senate, Governor Mary Fallin, and President Barack Obama: Governor Mary Fallin is helping deny the US Constitution's 14th Amendment Right of Due Process in the adoption case of Oklahoma's "Baby Veronica".

All In The Family Adoption

I had a conversation through Facebook a little over a week ago with Doreen Bain, Noah Medeiros's mom and Hope's grandmother. I wrote about their plight to get their daughter and granddaughter returned to them in my last post here.

[Birth Mother] First Mother Forum

Perhaps there is a light at the end of this long tunnel for Dusten Brown and his daughter "Baby Veronica" (who will be four next Sunday) that would allow them to stay together as father and daughter.

Buying a Baby: Melanie Capobianco's Testimony About Saving Veronica Rose Brown

By drip and drabs, we might one day see the full story of the unethical adoption seizure of Veronica Rose Brown. Just to recap, currently we have the court transcripts from the September 2010 South Carolina Court trial of A doptive Couple vs Baby Girl: Today we'll be adding: Now of course there are some little tidbits that I do feel the need to point out.

Saving Veronica Rose Brown; Slander and More Court Documents Leaked

One-Sided Truths and Playing Dirty Well, I guess that the Capobianco Camp didn't like seeing the court transcripts of Christy Maldonado and Veronica Rose's grandmother Alice Brown coming out because somehow half the truth is now making the rounds.

Haire of the Dog

A short time ago, an Oklahoma judge ordered the Sequoyah County Sheriff's Department to release Brown from jail. As it stands now, Dusten Brown will return to court on Oct. 3 to learn whether he will be sent to South Carolina to be tried for the crime of custodial interference, namely that he had failed to turn over Baby Veronica to the Capobiancos.

Veronica Rose Brown Court Transcripts Point to More Corruption in Adoption

"Save Veronica Rose" From This Tangled Web of Lies It doesn't matter really what you think about the Indian Child Welfare Act. It doesn't matter if you think ICWA is needed or unneeded. It doesn't matter if you think the United States Supreme Court ruling to overturn the use of ICWA in the case of Adoptive Couple v.

Debunking The Myths

Maybe we'll make this a regular feature or maybe we won't but either way, if you hear something out there and want to know if it's true or not, you can certainly comment and we'll do our best to prove or disprove the rumors. Today however, there seems to be a fact sheet floating around...

Proof that Dusten Brown was NEVER a "Dead Beat Dad"

The Judge said: "I do not find ( Chrissy Maldonado) birth mother's testimony credible that birth father ( Dusten Brown) did not want to pay child support for this child.( Veronica Rose Brown)" therefore, making Dusten Brown most certainly NOT a Deadbeat Father in any way at all.