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Updated by LucianCurator Lucian Duma on Feb 13, 2014
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Top 20 #startup tools for #connectededucators to organize awesome web conferencing on #ce13

Here is the list curated by


I recommand to use next tools for web conferencing

I recommand to use next tools for web conferencing

I suggest you to use also microsoft products and in your educational projects for a good collaboration

#bigbluebutton #startup #elearning #edtool for web conferencing

BigBlueButton is an open source web conferencing system for on-line learning. BigBlueButton enables you share documents (PDF and any office document), webcams, chat, audio, and your desktop. It can also record sessions for later playback.

#anymeeting #startup #elearning tool to host brilliant online meetings

AnyMeeting offers free and low-cost web conferencing, video conferencing and webinar services for small business, with all the features and capacity of expensive services
Send Email Invitations
Just enter meeting details and the email addresses of your attendees and you’re ready to go. Participants will receive an email with meeting details and a link to join your meeting

#Omnihours new #startup #elearning tool make online classes more interactive

Omnihours goal is to make online classes more interactive and want students to engage in discussion with their classmates just as students do at universities around the world. Omnihours enables you to schedule video-chat meetings with students in your class. To schedule a meeting with a classmate, start off by messaging him or her on Omnihours. See if your classmate would like to chat and when you are both free. When you're ready to propose a meeting time, attach a request to meet to a message to your classmate. If the request is accepted, log in to Omnihours at the time of the meeting, click "join meeting" on the pop up that appears, and voilà, you have entered your first meeting on Omnihours! You must sign in with LinkedIn .

#preseria #startup for videoconferencing ; Seamless presentations made easy

Preseria Conference is a presentation tool consisting of two parts;a web-application for gathering and publishing of presentations and a presentation viewersupporting all common filetypes.
A web application for organizing your conference and inviting speakers to upload their presentations.
A desktop software that downloads and executes the presentations seamlessly.
A publishing solution for easy web-publishing of conference presentations

#startmeeting #startup to host meetings and share better

StartMeeting is a collaborative communications solution serving a range of businesses, individuals, communities and organizations around the world.

#flashmeeting academic research project to schedule awesome online webconferences

Flashmeeting is an academic research project aimed at understanding the nature of online events and helping users to meet and work more effectively. However, FM technologies also, kinda, just work! So we have quite a few services out in the world now...

#Sococo team collaboration software and web conferencing

See work happening
Rich social context - see who's around and what's going on
An always-on office space provides one place for your team to interact

Meet instantly
Integrated voice, video, chat and screen sharing in an intuitive UI
No dialing or conference codes
Built-in phone to conference anyone

Feel connected
Gather every day in Team Space no matter where your people are
Build persistent project rooms with your cloud applications

#wiziq online teaching #elearning tool to deliver live classroom sessions

The WizIQ Platform includes everything you need to take your teaching online, from a virtual classroom, to functionality to create and deliver courses with assessment tools and content sharing feature. WizIQ provides exclusive features that save time and enhance collaboration between students and teachers. WizIQ also integrates with other Learning Management Systems and websites through well-documented API, allowing anyone, whether a middle school teacher, a private tutor, a test prep company, a university, or anything in between to start teaching online.

#meetings is #startup app for Online & face-to-face meeting collaboration in the cloud is a free cloud-based meeting organizer for running awesome business meetings.
With busy entrepreneurs can keep materials up-to-date and everyone on the same page without changing people’s habits. Users can manage meetings, materials, notes, and agenda without endless email loops.

#Twiddla Painless Team Collaboration for the Web using web meetings

Twiddla is a free, no-setup, web-based meeting playground. Mark up websites, graphics, and photos, or start brainstorming on a blank canvas. Voice and Text chat too!

Web Meetings are what Twiddla is all about. Twiddla like to think that we've stripped the experience of hosting an online meeting down to the bare essentials.

Audio, Web & Video Conferencing Solutions | Arkadin US |

Arkadin provides businesses with online collaboration solutions using audio, web and unified communications tools.

Virtual learning groups

Sookooroo is a live knowledge network

Yugma, Free Web Conferencing, Online Meetings, Web Collaboration Service, Free Desktop Sharing, video conferencing, r...

YSL Holdings offers free, p series and enterprise service for desktop sharing, web conferencing, online meetings, and web collaboration for Mac, Windows, and Linux users. Yugma has solutions for individuals, organizations, and small or large businesses. Yugma is perfect for web conferencing, online meetings, webinars, web meetings, web collaboration, desktop sharing, sales presentations, online training, and remote support.

Adobe Connect

Adobe Connect 9 enterprise web conferencing software provides secure web meeting, eLearning, and webinar solutions used by corporations and government agencies. Try Adobe Connect web conference services today.

Web Conferencing, Remote Support - RHUB Appliances

TurboMeeting 6-in-1 Web Conferencing Appliance
Present anything up to 3,000 attendees
Support PCs or MACs remotely
Host audio and video conferences
Host secure internal web meetings
Access your home and office computers remotel

exaltEl Classroom : Teach Effectively From Anywhere

Use exaltEl Classroom and get your teachers and students think collaboratively. exaltEl is the perfect collaboration and conferencing platform for distance learning. With the ability to share any form of content and take live questions from thousands of students anywhere in the world, exaltEl is the perfect web collaboration platform for educators to deliver lectures to a class. Now a teacher can either present a lecture to a class allowing some students to participate in the lecture online or create an online class room and conduct the class over the internet with real-time participation from all the online students; all using exaltEl online video, audio, desktop sharing Web collaboration and conferencing platform. No other web conferencing solution can bring collaboration to digital learning like exaltEl can. Moreover, you can record the entire lecture for future review and access and post them on your school/university website for offline viewing.

Easy-to-use web based video conferencing software | CUMeeting

CUMeeting is powerful but easy-to-use video conferencing software, let you connect with anyone, anywhere and anytime, reduce cost and increase productivity.

Blackboard Online Collaboration Platform | Blackboard Collaborate

Offer a more collaborative, interactive, and mobile learning experience that constantly evolves, and you'll keep everyone engaged like never before. That's what the Blackboard Collaborate™ online collaboration platform is all about. Helping you create virtual classrooms, offices and meeting spaces that open more possibilities to more students, wherever they are.