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Updated by Roan McCrae on Oct 03, 2022
25 Workers Comp Insurance Hacks: A Cheat Sheet for Small Businesses

Workers comp hacks and cheat sheets for small businesses in 2021 onwards.

Where To Get An XMOD Worksheet For Your Company's Workers Comp

Short answer: You can get an XMOD worksheet from a qualified insurance agent who handles the state of California. CLICK TO READ MORE

ALL About Workers Comp Insurance

Understanding how workers comp insurance works is critical in every business as a business owner. To build a good foundation for your business, you must secure workers' comp insurance.

Workmans Comp and Things You Need to Know

All employees working in Colorado are required to have workers' compensation. This is to make sure that employees get their rightful benefits in case of injury in the workplace. If you are on the lookout for workman's comp, there are things you need to do and understand before you purchase from an insurance agent.

What Constitutes a Good EMR Rating?

Did you realize that in most states, you must have workers' compensation insurance? It is critical to have since workplace accidents may occur at any moment. Do you know what your EMR or EMOD rating is and why it's so important?Take a look into this post and it will explain what a safety EMR rating is, why it is essential, and how to reduce it. Continue reading here to learn how to determine your EMR safety rating and how to reduce it for lower rates.

Colorado Workers' Compensation Insurance

With a few exceptions, Colorado law says that all employees, whether they work part-time or full-time, must have workers' compensation insurance. This policy pays for medical bills for injuries that happen at work.

Random Ramblings - Randomly Blogging Life

What Exactly Is Workers Compensation EMR?
Being safe and cautious in a workplace is one thing, but accidents are situations that you do not plan and would want to expect to happen. Having a Workers’ Compensation saves the hassle for both the employee and the employer.

Avoid Worker Injuries in the Summer

Avoid Worker Injuries in the Summer
Working conditions become more hazardous as temperatures rise. It is the responsibility of employers to protect their employees from these hazards. By following these guidelines, you can reduce the impact of the changing seasons have on your company and personal security.