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Updated by Ricky Allen on May 23, 2024
Ricky Allen Ricky Allen
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Complete Tree Services | Dreamworks Tree Services

Our tree services company provides a comprehensive range of services to meet all your tree care needs. Our experienced team is skilled in tree removal, using the latest techniques and equipment to ensure the job is done safely and efficiently. We also specialize in tree planting, offering expert advice on the best trees to suit your property and soil type. Our stump grinding and removal service ensures that all traces of a tree are removed from your property, leaving you with a clean and clear space. We offer lot clearing to prepare your property for development, and tree pruning to maintain the health and appearance of your trees. Our hedge trimming and shrub care service keeps your hedges and shrubs looking their best, enhancing the beauty of your property. Whether you require a one-off service or regular maintenance, our team is here to assist you.


Tree Care & Maintenance Routines to Protect Your Trees in Winter

The Canadian winter can be hard on your trees, so it is important to take steps to protect them. Pruning, trimming, and wrapping can help keep them healthy.

Winter Tree Care and Maintenance Services

The wind, cold temperatures, and snow accumulation in winter can harm your trees, potentially damaging them or leading to property damage.

Winter Is the Right Time for Tree Pruning

Part of pruning your trees is knowing when the best time to do it is. Though many feel it shouldn’t be done during the winter, this may be the best time.

What Tree Services Does an Arborist Offer?

An arborist is a professional that can help care for the trees on your property and ensure they are safe and in great shape. They offer a variety of services.

7 Important Tree Pruning Rules

When pruning your trees, there are several important aspects you need to keep in mind to ensure you do it correctly and achieve the desired results.

How Cabling and Bracing Your Trees Can Save You Money

In extreme weather conditions such as strong winds and heavy snow, having the right cabling and bracing on your trees can protect them and save you money.

7 Questions to Ask Before Hiring Lot Clearing Services

If you have a lot that needs clearing, it is important to be sure you ask the right questions before selecting the company to handle your job.

Busting 6 Common Myths about Tree Removal

Because it is a job often left to professionals, there are many myths surrounding the process and what trees qualify for removal. Learning the truth can help.

A Checklist for Tree Care Services in the Spring - Dreamworks

When the weather gets warmer and spring begins, it is important to take care of your trees. There are several steps required to ensure they are healthy.

Do’s and Don’ts of Tree Trimming that You Need to Know

Tree trimming is an important step to ensure your trees are healthy. However, it is easy to make mistakes while trimming, so it helps to work with a professional.

How to Identify a Dead Tree on Your Property

Dead trees on your property can be dangerous. They can lead to injury and potential damages to other structures or items on your property. Taking care of them safely is important.

How to Protect Your Property from Falling Trees & Branches

If you have an old, damaged, or dying tree on your property, it has the potential to break or fall. It is important to know what to do and how to protect your property.

Should You Prune Your Trees in Summer? 

Pruning your trees is necessary, but there are recommended time to do so. Sometimes, it may be a good idea to prune them during the summer.


7 Factors that Affect the Cost of Lot Clearing

7 Factors that Affect the Cost of Lot Clearing

Lot clearing is a big project, but it is necessary when overhauling your property. Depending on what is needed, the cost of the service may be affected.

What are the Risks of Hiring an Unlicensed Arborist?

When you need work done to a tree on your property, it is important to work with licensed arborists who are able to get the job done safely and correctly.

White Oak Tree Care Guide

White oak trees have grown in the Toronto area for hundreds of years. This tree suits the Toronto soil well and is often still planted in parks and on properties.

Tree Stump Removal Chemicals Compared To Other Commonly Used Methods

Comparing tree stump removal chemicals to other commonly used methods can help you decide which is the best course of action for your property.

Guide to Tree Trimming in the Fall Season

Trimming your trees provides a variety of benefits, including enhancing their appearance and improving their health. The fall months are the best time to trim trees.

8 Reasons You Should Not Ignore Tree Trimming

If you do not provide regular maintenance for your trees, they may become unhealthy or pose a threat to your property. Tree trimming is a critical maintenance step.

Guide to Prepare for Emergency Tree Removal Appointment

If you have trees in your yard, it is important that you always keep the possibility of emergency tree removal in mind. This way, you can be prepared should anything happen.

Stump Removal vs Stump Grinding

If you have stumps on your property that you wish to have removed, you can select between stump grinding and stump removal. Learning which is best for you is essential.

Tree Care Guide: How to Speed Up Root Growth

The root system determines how well your tree will grow over the years. Here is a complete guide from an expert tree care service in Toronto with tips to help promote a robust root system and speed up growth.

Know the Dangers of DIY Tree Removal

DIY tree removal involves risks to property and human life. Read this article to understand the dangers before you tackle a tree removal project.

Effects of Improper Tree Trimming: Understand Tree Physiology

Tree trimming at the right time is crucial to maintain the beauty and health of your trees. Wrong timing can make them vulnerable to diseases. Here you can learn the effects of improper tree trimming in detail.

Factors to Consider When Determining Tree Stump Removal Cost

Being aware of the factors that impact the overall cost of removing a tree stump on your property can help you understand how to save money. Read our comprehensive guide to learn more!