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Updated by Listly on Jul 19, 2013
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Nick Kellet Nick Kellet
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KissMetrics - Recent Blog Post Content Audit

7 Overlooked but Critically Important Details of Profitable Email Marketing

Jay Harper of Red Apple Lipstick made $10,895.54 from a couple of emails he sent out to the people on his email list. Nathan Barry, a web designer, launched an eBook that made $12,000 in sales in 24hrs and went on to make over $85,000 in its first year.

How to do Keyword Research the Smart Way: Targeting Interest and Intent

These days, effective keyword research is an increasingly important skill for digital marketers. Not only do they need to know how to develop a good keyword list for PPC and SEO, but smart content marketers use keyword research to find out what topics they should write about and what phrases they should use while writing.

A Marketer's Mobile Toolkit: Our 10 Favorite iOS Apps

Marketers are busy people. They are constantly creating, measuring, and refining their campaigns. Anything that will help them stay organized, save time, be more efficient, or help them improve will be valued. So we've come up with our ten favorite iOS apps for marketers.

How an American Company Used Hilarious Marketing to Become a Household Name & Sail Through the Depression

Back in 1925, when cameras used film and Route 66 had just connected Chicago to Los Angeles, a brushless shaving cream company called Burma-Shave was on the rocks. Alan Odell, the son of the founder, was sick of working as a traveling salesman-and also of not making money.

50 Tools to Jumpstart Your Content Marketing Efforts

Companies are defined today by their unique story. Anyone can sell a product but why buy that product over another? Creating radio spots and billboard ads are not enough in today's consumer centric marketplace to connect with customers, it's content that helps craft a story about your business, drive home your unique value and inform potential customers why they should buy your product or service over others.

Make Your A/B Testing Create Results - Not Statistics

12 months. That's how long many conversion rate optimization (CRO) professionals say you need to wait to see results and/or make the investment back. Alternatively, you can do your own testing. And potentially waste even more time waiting for good results. People are starting to believe conversion optimization doesn't work at all.

7 Marketing Lessons from Eye-Tracking Studies

Who doesn't love a good eye-tracking study? With the ability to take a lot of guesswork out of conversion rate optimization, eye-tracking software and heat maps can reveal some startling insights into increasing conversions (and avoiding sales killers) that can benefit every business.

How to Hook New Customers with Your Explainer Video

Surf in any category on the Internet and you will find words, words, words, and more words. But our brains are hardwired to detect motion. So it's easy to understand why YouTube is the #2 search engine and the #3 social media site in the world.

Targeted Pay-Per-Click Advertising: How to Bring the Aisle to the Online Shopper

The beauty of shopping online is that we're able to browse through the websites of many different merchants selling similar products, all while sitting on a couch watching the newest episode of The Bachelorette... Err I mean Mad Men.

How to Use Snapguide to Promote Your Mobile App

If you're promoting a mobile app, you probably are taking the usual steps to publicize it. You're telling friends and family about it and asking them to spread the word. You're creating Facebook and Twitter pages and a simple website. And you're trying to get some PR and hoping it will be a Featured App on the app store.

How to Make Your Online Store Social-Shopping Ready

Social shopping is the "hanging out with friends at the mall" of today's digital generation, except that it's not just teens and tweens taking advantage of all the social features available. Customers of all ages have more choices than ever, as well as more opportunities to engage with brands they love, through QR contests, barcode scanners, outfit builder apps, and video outlet connections.

50 Reasons Your Website Deserves to Be Penalized By Google

Google's on an uncompromising mission. It wants to give its users access to accurate information, unique content and the finest writers. It continually tweaks and improves its algorithms so that the best of the web gets the exposure it deserves. Unfortunately, there's a flipside: a penalty.

Are You Losing Business With The Wrong Value Proposition?

Struggling to decide what you should write on your home page? Striving to whittle a headline? And bullet points? Composing an online value proposition probably is the hardest part of creating website copy. Your online value proposition explains what you offer to your customers - usually in a headline, subheading, and a few bullet points or introductory sentences.

How to Design a Seductive Email Marketing Campaign Like HP

Getting the best results from your landing page doesn't depend solely on the landing page. As often as not, it's the overall campaign - the sales message that leads up to the landing page and your follow-up messaging, in addition to your landing page - that determines whether people will buy now.

100 Conversion Optimization Case Studies

If you're a marketer, you're undoubtedly looking for techniques to optimize your website for better conversions. Fellow marketers have released tactics that worked from them. In this post, I've curated some of these. They've come from multiple sources and been placed in one post. I present to you 100 conversion optimization case studies!

App Store Optimization - A Crucial Piece of the Mobile App Marketing Puzzle

With over 2 million mobile apps in the major app stores, getting your app discovered is one of the biggest issues facing mobile app publishers today. If you're in the mobile app space, it's important to understand the various methods for marketing your app.

How to Integrate Call Tracking Data with Your Analytics

The gap between online and offline marketing finally has been bridged. Before now, the marketing world was divided into separate silos containing online, print, and television. But thanks to developments in the analytics space, now we can blend all of these marketing niches together.

How to Tap into Instagram's Massive Audience to Increase E-commerce Sales

You already know that brands can leverage user-generated photos from Instagram to engage consumers. Today we will measure that engagement and connect it to ecommerce sales. With Instagram, marketers have access to a huge audience of 100 million active users snapping over 40 million photos per day and posting 1000 comments per second.

eCommerce Checkout Tricks: Ask for Less and They'll Buy More

If shoppers have committed to buying a product, your job is to get them through checkout as swiftly as possible. To do so, ask as little of them as possible. Most online stores assume the best way to streamline purchases is to reduce the number of steps in a checkout, hence the popularity of "one-step" checkouts.

The 2013 Google+ Marketing Guide

Since its launch in 2011, Google+ has been growing non-stop and now has 359 million active users according to Business Insider. There also have been a lot of changes made in their platform during that time. In this post, we're going to look at everything you need in order to have a successful Google+ experience.

What if I don't have a developer to install KISSmetrics?

Since a lot of KISSmetrics customers are marketers and product managers, sometimes it can be difficult for them to obtain a developer or in-house engineering time to set up KISSmetrics. And every day that passes is another day without the valuable insights KISSmetrics can give your business. What are you to do?

Four More Ways to Crack the Keyword (not provided) Code

Secure search now obscures up to 60% of search visits, making it virtually impossible to determine which keywords are driving your site traffic. Appearances of the dreaded (not provided) have been steadily increasing. Now the default Google Analytics reporting is nearly worthless for understanding the impact and opportunities for your SEO program.

Achieving Engagement with Email Marketing

One of the biggest challenges facing marketers is achieving engagement with email marketing. Obtaining someone's email address is an awesome privilege, but getting that person to open an email can be an impossible task. In this post, we'll be discussing three steps for achieving more engagement through email, from start to finish.

How to Get More Likes on Facebook - Infographic

In this infographic we look into what creates the most engagement on Facebook. Please feel free to leave your thoughts in the comments section at the bottom of the page. Click on the infographic below to view a larger version: View an enlarged version of this infographic " Click here to download a .pdf version of this infographic.

How to Create a Profitable Google AdWords Campaign (from Scratch)

Launching a new AdWords search campaign is an exhilarating process. Excitement, anxiety, fear, and hope are emotions that come to mind when I'm about to click the Enable button on a new campaign. If you're just starting your journey, then fear may be dominating your thoughts, so in this article my goal is to put you at ease.