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Updated by Joanna James on May 02, 2024
Headline for Top 5 Methods to Protect & Take Care of Your Skin – Essential Insights and Tips
Joanna James Joanna James
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Top 5 Methods to Protect & Take Care of Your Skin – Essential Insights and Tips

Some may think that taking care of one's skin is not that important, while others may feel that it's overly time-consuming. Both these assumptions are wrong however and here are several easy ways (and reasons) to give your skin some TLC!


Know About Your Skin

The more you know about your skin, the better you can take care of it. Ideally, you should find out what skin type you have. One general way to do this would be to wash your face and check the skin after an hour; some will have a balanced skin type in terms of moisture and oil and others may have skin that is either quite dry or oily. You also get what's called combination skin with some areas oily and others dry. Importantly, you should also regularly check your skin and if you detect any abnormalities or have frequent issues consult a dermatologist.


Keep Hydrating

Having enough fluids throughout the day is vital not only to quench your thirst but also to hydrate your skin. Water is the best for this and it will help to provide your skin with moisture which is needed for its protection; this is because there are skin barrier gaps in dry skin that can allow fungus or bacteria to enter. Additionally, when your skin is adequately hydrated, there will be less of a chance of it becoming flaky or chapped. To aid in this, you can use moisturising lotion or cream, make use of a humidifier and avoid very hot showers (go instead for short warm ones).


Use Skincare Products

While there are plenty of skincare products out there, you should use those that not only match your skin type but are mild and gentle as well. A good idea would be to wash your face twice a day using a mild cleanser and warm water. Once done washing your face, remember not to rub your skin, but rather pat it dry and then apply moisturiser. Also, consider skincare products from the likes of D'las International that utilise natural ingredients that won't harm your skin; options can include a tea tree hand lotion with 100% natural extracts as well as active ingredients that nourish dry and cracked skin while leaving it supple.


Reduce Time in the Sun

It may be great to soak up the sun, but keep in mind that its ultraviolet rays can be harmful and extended exposure can lead to age spots, wrinkles and in the worst case, skin cancer. With this in mind, use effective sunscreen whenever you go out; the product should have at least 30 SPF and protect you from UVB as well as UVA rays. Make sure you reapply sunscreen from time to time and have other sun protection like long-sleeved tops, wide-brimmed hats and long pants / skirts too. Additionally, avoid going out when the sun is most intense and once back, consider using sun gel to soothe any sunburns.


Take Adequate Precautions

By keeping careful tabs on what you do and what touches your skin, you can also help to protect it. For example, avoid sharing personal items like lip balms or the same cup you use with others since bacteria, germs or infections may be transmitted; this, of course, should also be common practice today due to the pandemic! Apart from this, you should not pick at any cysts or pimples you may have and even avoid touching the face with your fingers as that may transit grime or bacteria onto the skin.