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Updated by Viktoriya Hopperstad on Jul 13, 2023
Headline for All aboard Viktoriya's CrowdPoint Express! Hop on our Blockchain Train and find your destiny!
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All aboard Viktoriya's CrowdPoint Express! Hop on our Blockchain Train and find your destiny!

This is just the tip of the iceberg in my journey with CrowdPoint Technologies and Advanced Medicine Exchanges. I am not exaggerating by saying your presence here is making history!
I invite you to learn more and make history by being amongst the first in the world to have your very own Blockchain Identity!



My life changing journey with CrowdPoint Technologies!

My life changing journey with CrowdPoint Technologies!

I am super excited to be a MicroPreneur on the Advanced Medicine Marketplace!  (AMM) Thirteen years ago I founded Vika's Essentials - plant-based organic skincare made from the world's finest botanicals. My passion is a holistic approach to healing, health and beauty and bringing this message to the world. However, over the years it has been a struggle to compete with the giants in the cosmetic industry who use inexpensive toxic chemicals and unlimited advertising budgets.  As a seller on Advanced Medicine Marketplace, I offer people safe, natural products and holistic services. AMM takes this concept to a whole new level being powered by CrowdPoint's Blockchain technology. A place where health-oriented people can shop with confidence knowing that the product has been vetted and that their personal data is safe. The "Blockchain" I speak of is a tsunami bigger than the "dot-com"! Read more about how you can benefit in my blogs & articles.

Join me in my journey with Advanced Medicine Marketplace and learn about the power and possibilities of having your own Blockchain identity!

Learn more:

Chairman & CEO Sean Brehm introduces CrowdPoint Technologies

The tables are turning! The days of Big Tech and hackers mining, stealing and selling our personal data for profit are NUMBERED! If you would like a seat at this table, listen to Sean Brehm Founder and CEO of Crowd Point Technologies! Thank you Sean for your vision and leadership.

CrowdPoint Technologies home page:
Learn more -


"People, planet and privacy" before profit"

"People, planet and privacy" before profit"

At Crowdpoint Technologies we operate from the fundamental belief that every human being on the planet owns their personal identity. Privacy and autonomy is a universal gift granted by our Creator from the moment of birth.

These “gifts” are being stolen from us every day by corporate vultures of surveillance and greed and indiscriminately sold for profit. Crowdpoint is your unwavering advocate to give back your privacy, identity and data through the miracle technology of the “Blockchain”!





The Blockchain Ecosystem has a singular purpose: Defend and deliver dividends to you, the Human Identity. Since the beginning of time Humans have driven commerce, it started as bartering, advanced to precious metals, paper scripts and tender and now it is digital. While the Human Identity has been exploited since the beginning of time, the scale in which it is happening today is unfathomable to the average person. At The Blockchain Ecosystem, we are doing the right thing, we are a trusted agent in an untrusted world working as silent professionals for you. Join us!


CrowdPoint is not just another blockchain. This is THE Blockchain!

CrowdPoint is not just another blockchain. This is THE Blockchain!

CrowdPoint uses a decentralized ecosystem along with the power of the crowd (you and me) to level the playing field for small to medium businesses. Together we will change the world for the better! Learn more how we can do it. I am your Trusted Agent in an untrusted world!



Join me to learn how the Blockchain could change your life

Join me to learn how the Blockchain could change your life

Welcome to CrowdPoint Technologies and Advanced Medicine Marketplace. A hearty blend of getting healthy and protected! Our Blockchain Ecosystem involves 11 sectors with 24 industry groups. We don't have to put our trust into the higher authorities of big tech and government.

Your identity and data is protected on the blockchain, cannot be altered and transactions stored forever.


Do you know how valuble your human identity is?

Do you know how valuble your human identity is?

The CrowdPoint Platform was founded on protecting everyone’s unique personal identity and privacy. It all started as a movement of people who were fed up with big tech stealing and selling your data. Shamelessly exploiting and profiting from your personal information with friends and foe alike. CrowdPoint is the “anti-venom” of corruption from centralized systems of commerce and government!

Only here you can shop for world-class products while your personal data and transactions are protected through a secured blockchain network!  CrowdPoint Technologies provides this benefit for both buyers and sellers. Multiple exchanges have been built for Ecommerce, Esports, Advanced Medicine and Cyber Privacy using the power of Blockchain, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data Analytics.

Shop with CrowdPoint Exchanges and YOU own all your data again! You can decide to grant permission to those who use your data, or not at all. Now for the best part: each permission you give is handled via a seamless blockchain contract and you get paid by all the companies who use them!

Both buyers and sellers win on CrowdPoint Technology Exchanges. As a customer, you are actually compensated for the value of your identity and data! Most importantly you are given back the privacy and autonomy that has been stolen by a culture of corporate surveillance and greed.

I invite you to learn more and make history by being amongst the first in the world to have your very own Blockchain Identity!


Vika's Organic Anti-Wrinkle Serum is one of the stars on the Advanced Medicine Marketplace!

Vika's Organic Anti-Wrinkle Serum is one of the stars on the Advanced Medicine Marketplace!

Rejuvenate and nourish your skin with Vika’s Certified Organic Facial Serum - a unique to the world organic garden, enhancing your youth and beauty!
Check out our other natural organic products on Advanced Medicine Marketplace:


I invite you to make history

I invite you to make history

Tap into the opportunities for business or a tech career in the Crowdpoint Blockchain Ecosystem!  An assembly of small, midcap, and MicroPreneurs joining together across 24 Industry Groups to create a special environment that is not controlled or overseen by any country or government.  We are united in the common cause of defending and delivering dividends to the Human Identity.   

I invite you to make history by being amongst the first in the world to be a Tech or MicroPreneur in the Crowdpoint Blockchain Ecosystem!  While others will be working for the “Blockbusters” of the world you will be smiling at them in the rear view mirror of the Blockchain Train! 
Learn more,
Welcome aboard!


What is Blockchain?

As a user, understanding the emerging blockchain technology is vital in protecting your business and identity. The Advanced Medicine Marketplace and others in the CrowdPoint Technologies Ecosystem are truly revolutionary. All your personal data and transactions are protected through a secured blockchain network! Please click (LINK) to learn more and be amongst the first in the world to have your very own Blockchain Identity!


INTERACTIVE MEDIA EXCHANGE - With patients from 94 different countries, Dr Rashid A Buttar has been an outspoken advocate for Medical Truths “they” don’t want you to know! He was followed by millions all over the world until social media shut him down and de-platformed him, earning him the title of the world’s “most censored physician”! Now, you can join Dr. Buttar on iMedia, the most “censorship free” platform on the planet and learn the truth that has been hidden from you.

Join me in this incredible journey!


INTERACTIVE MEDIA EXCHANGE - We in America are like free-range chickens. We think we are free, but we can only get the medicine the government lets us have. We can only live where they allow us to live, and every year they try to limit what we can eat. Ask yourself why New York State got the award for the best handling of COVID, while the countries with the lowest death rate included Uganda and Nigeria. (Hint: In those countries, Hydroxychloroquine is over the counter - and it could be here.) Join Dr. Lee Merritt, longstanding advocate for ethical patient-centered medicine. Dr. Merritt has fought for every patient’s right to medical freedom since 1997 - as a member and past president of the Association of American Physician and Surgeons. She continues to fight for your survival against the COVID Cartel.

Join me in this incredible journey!


INTERACTIVE MEDIA EXCHANGE - Join Dr. Northrop, with participants all around the world, learn about the latest Advanced Medicine trends impacting our world today. Access 5 Hours of FREE content with an additional 50 Hours available for purchase.

Join me in this incredible journey!


INTERACTIVE MEDIA EXCHANGE - Join Eileen Day McKusick researcher, inventor, writer, educator, and practitioner who has been studying the effects of audible acoustic sound on the human body since 1996. She is the originator of a unique sound therapy method called Biofield Tuning (formerly sound balancing) that uses tuning forks to detect and correct distortions and static in the biofield (human energy field/aura). She is the author of the book Tuning the Human Biofield: Healing with Vibrational Sound Therapy.

Join me in this incredible journey!


INTERACTIVE MEDIA EXCHANGE - Join Leila Centner, the Chief Executive Officer and Co-founder of Centner Academy. A progressive, independent ‘happiness’ school that combines a deep commitment to emotional intelligence, mindfulness, and happiness. Discover her story as she presents a logical, reasonable and caring approach to to responding to the current COVID crisis.

Join me in this incredible journey!


INTERACTIVE MEDIA EXCHANGE - Join Lois Laynee, a pioneer and lecturer in the fields of Education, Sleep, Scar Release Healing, Cranio Facial Neuro development, and more. In addition to heading the Laynee Restorative Breathing Method™, Lois is also the CEO of AZ Sleep Apnea Center PLLC; a speaker and educator of oxygen wellness and the creator of the Laynee Restorative Breathing Method™. By combining her decades of clinical experience with the Laynee Restorative Breathing Method™, she offers support for clients at all stages of life.

Join me in this incredible journey!


INTERACTIVE MEDIA EXCHANGE - Join homeopath and radio host Robert Scott Bell, with listeners of The Robert Scott Bell Show from all over the world. He’s been rockin’ the world with messages of health freedom and healing liberty since 1999. Banned by YouTube and Spotify, he brings the power to heal back where it belongs - with each and every one of you!

Join me in this incredible journey!


INTERACTIVE MEDIA EXCHANGE - Join Sayer Ji, founder of - an evidence-based natural health resource used by every country in the world, and co-founder of the non-profit health rights organization, Stand for Health Freedom. Sayer is the author of the international best-selling book, “REGENERATE: Unlocking Your Body’s Radical Resilience through the New Biology.” (Hay Houuse, 2020) Sayer is also an outspoken advocate for health freedom, informed consent, and the benefits of natural alternatives. His platform has the distinction of being one of the most de-platformed and censor-free health resources in the world.

Join me in this incredible journey!

Advanced Medicine Marketplace is working with your immune system, not against it

Advanced Medicine Exchange powered by CrowdPoint's Blockchain technologies is a place where we feel hopeful again! Learn more!

NFT is coming!

NFT is coming! What is it, and why is it important to understand how it works?
NFT or non-fungible token is a unit of data stored on a digital ledger, called a blockchain, that certifies a digital asset to be unique and therefore not interchangeable. NFTs can represent items such as photos, videos, audio, and other types of digital files. However, access to any copy of the original file is not restricted to the buyer of the NFT. While copies of these digital items are available for anyone to obtain, NFTs are tracked on blockchains to provide the owner with proof of ownership that is separate from copyright.
Stay tuned!


What is Blockchain, and what it means to you, your business, and your family?

What is Blockchain, and what it means to you, your business, and your family?

Pete De La Torre Show with Sean O'Brien-Brehm - founder and chairman of CrowdPoint Technologies in his Blockchain Talk:

Blockchain Talk Session 2

Learning what you need to know about the Blockchain is a marathon, not a sprint! Take the time and educate yourself, welcome to the exciting world of Crowdpoint Technologies. The Pete De La Torre show's featured session with CEO Sean Brehm and special guest Greg Fitzgerald is an important step in your journey!

Session 2 of Blockchain Talk:Special Guest Greg Fitzgerald , CEO & Chairman of Cyber Force Security, LLC and Co-Founder of Savco Security My Co-Host is Sean...

Learn more about Crowdpoint

Blockchain Talk Session 3

Learning what you need to know about the Blockchain is a marathon, not a sprint! Take the time and educate yourself, welcome to the exciting world of Crowdpoint Technologies. The Pete De La Torre show's featured sessions with CEO Sean Brehm are important steps in your journey!

Session 3 features 10 Blockchain Global Ambassadors and CrowdPoint Distributors. #Enpowerment #Choices #LevelPlayingField

Learn more about Crowdpoint

"Decentralized Identifiers" - Blockchain Talk Session 4

Learning what you need to know about the Blockchain is a marathon, not a sprint! Take the time and educate yourself, welcome to the exciting world of Crowdpoint Technologies. The Pete De La Torre show's featured sessions with CEO Sean Brehm are important steps in your journey!

"Decentralized Identifiers", your opportunity to protect and maximize YOUR identity! Our special guest is Sean OBrien-Brehm, Founder of CrowdPoint Technologies.

Learn more about Crowdpoint

Blockchain Talk Session 5 Part 1

Learning what you need to know about the Blockchain is a marathon, not a sprint! Take the time and educate yourself, welcome to the exciting world of Crowdpoint Technologies. The Pete De La Torre show's featured sessions with CEO Sean Brehm are important steps in your journey!

Join us this evening at 7pm EST for Part 1 of Session 5 featuring 6 personal stories on how The Blockchain Technology is changing lives around the world. My ...

Learn more about Crowdpoint