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Updated by Curation Project on Oct 20, 2014
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More than 100 #edtools and #ipad apps to #mlearning discovered from #iste13 by @web20education

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Glogster EDU - Best Curation and Presentation edtool in 21st century Education

I am honored and happy to be Glogster EDU Ambassador


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Read more on . Lucian is Father, Teacher, Researcher and Social Media Curator . Follow and . Now I write / describe weekly Top 10 ,and describe daily: curation edtools ; startup edtools , ipad apps . Now I begin to blog also in romanian

wath @adambellow #iste13 Closing Keynote: You're Invited to Change the World on @youtube

Author and educational technologist Adam Bellow will deliver the closing keynote of ISTE 2013 with a high-energy presentation reveling in the joys of being a connected educator in these amazing times. Showcasing stories of inspiration from classrooms around the world and anecdotes from Bellow's career, and highlight inspiration from classrooms around the world.

#mentormob #socialmedia #curation #startup making learning online free and accessible to the entire world

MentorMob's online learning platform allows anyone with a passion for what they do to curate websites, videos, blogs, and more into Learning Playlists.

So instead of searching alone, people all around the world can work together to show off what they know and learn from each other.

#LiveBinder #socialmedia #curation #startup Your 3-ring binder for the web

The knowledge sharing place Collect your resources
Organize them neatly and easily
Make an impression

#Learnist #socialmedia #curation #startup introduce the future of learning

Welcome to the future of learning. Learnist is organizing all of the wisdom of mankind in text, images, video and audio, curated by fellow humans.

#scoopit #socialmedia #curation tool to share research in awesome online magazines enables professionals to share important ideas with the right audiences giving them an opportunity to create and maintain a meaningful Web presence, a crucial component to the success of their business and career.
Curation Restart Education Project Follow ; ; like .

#pearltrees #curation tool to collect, organize and share what you like

Pearltrees is a free, visual and collaborative library that lets you keep everything you like at your fingertips. Its unique interface lets you manipulate and retrieve your favorite web pages, photos and notes. You can also leverage Pearltrees’ community members to discover amazing stuff related directly to your interests. Enrich your account with those you like best. With Pearltrees, you can cultivate your interests wherever you are.

SymbalooEdu #curation tool to organize/share the best of the web

Symbalooedu organize teaching resources all in one place

#Socl #socialmedia #curation #startup tool from #microsoft research fuse labs

Socl — pronounced social — lets you create, collect and share stuff you love. From rich visual collages to short animated media and memes, express yourself through posts that take seconds to create, collect and share on Socl, as well as Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, and Twitter.

Pinterest is a #socialmedia #curation tool for collecting and organizing things you love.

Pinterest is a tool for collecting and organizing the things that inspire you.

#Edcanvas #socialmedia #curation #startup he best way to teach with digital content

Edcanvas spawned out of chatting with hundreds of teachers. More and more digital resources are being used in the classroom today, but there was no seamless way of bringing them together until now.

#Postwire #socialmedia #curation #startup for Private, Visual, Sharing

Privately share video, photos, web links,
and documents in a visual, modern way your clients will love.
Automatically keep your sales and account reps up to date with all of the content you're producing. Enable them to easily share the content with prospects and customers in a beautiful way.

#SimpleMind #mindmapping tool turn your #ipad into a brainstorming, idea collection and thought structuring device to...

Mind mapping tool that turns your iPad, iPhone or iPod touch into a brainstorming, idea collection and thought structuring device.

IFTTT / Put the internet to work for you.

Put the internet to work for you.

#otixo #startup #curation tool for all your clouds launch #ipad app to #mlearning

One App for all your clouds
- Access all your online files with a single login

#Citelighter The fully automated research, citation, and internet highlighting tool to #elearning

Store, organize, and share your education and research for free.

#MobileNoter is a powerful and multifunctional note taking #iPad app to #mlearning

MobileNoter is a powerful and multifunctional note taking application which is able to sync with Microsoft OneNote. Although you can use MobileNoter as a standalone application to take and store your notes, its real power comes into play when you use it jointly with Microsoft Office OneNote. Now all your Microsoft OneNote data is available on your iPad.

#CatchNotes #ipad #curation app turn ideas into action and #mlearning

Capture and share your ideas with Catch! Jot down text, snap a photo, or record voice notes on the go, then sync them across all your devices with a account. Organize your notes into Spaces and share those Spaces with your friends and colleagues.

#PaperDesk Pro easy-to-use notebook replacement made specifically for the #iPad to #mlearning

PaperDesk Pro is the best way to take notes without dragging around loads of paper, notebooks or notepad, pencils, and pens to your next class or meeting. PaperDesk Pro is a fun, easy-to-use notebook replacement made specifically for the iPad. Write and type on the same page, with a huge selection of colors and font styles. Record audio, add images with your iPad's camera, and sketch, all on the same page

#MentalNote for #iPad - the digital notepad to #mlearning

Mental Note "the only notepad app... that's actually better than, and as simple as, a pen and paper." It's "the future of note taking", and "a big sketchpad... [to] free-associate and put stuff down in any format". Mental Note for iPad brings the future closer with an even bigger sketchpad for you to capture your ideas on.

#Notably brings focus, elegance, and the power of Dropbox to your #iPad writing experience to #mlearning

A beautifully crafted tool for the serious writer, Notably brings focus, elegance, and the power of Dropbox to your iPad writing experience.

##DailyNotes converts your #iPad into a beautiful and elegant journal to #mlearning

Daily Notes converts your #iPad into a beautiful and elegant journal, cased inside a leather jacket. Whether you want to take notes in meetings, record key points while reading a book or would like to just jot down your passing thoughts - this app is for you.

#UClass Assignments Gone Global

UClass is where you find the best assignments created by teachers, assign work to your students, and connect your class to the world.