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Updated by Chris Dancy on Jun 12, 2013
Chris Dancy Chris Dancy
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#TFT12 Audio / podcasts [content] via Soundcloud

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Amber Case: Location and the future of the interface by ServiceSphere

In this presentation, Geoloqi founder Amber Case will highlight why developers of apps should look at what users want to do now, as well as what users want to do in the future, why social apps should try to mirror real-world relationships, why sharing should be about who you share with as well as how long you're sharing, and why developers should think about how to make apps "ambient" and require less user interaction.

Breed Lewis: Planting the seeds - overcoming the talent shortfall by ServiceSphere

This presentation covers: Workforce across the generations Employee Engagement Talent Management Retention Myths Capabilities High Potentials Career Paths See Breed's TFT speaker Pinterest board: We're already planning #TFT13 - submit to speak at

Karen Ferris: Balanced Diversity by ServiceSphere

Balanced Diversity - A Portfolio Approach to Organisational Change. This innovative new framework will ensure that your service management changes are successfully embedded into the fabric of your organisation. Do not become a statistic - 70% of organisational changes fail. Why? Because most of the guidance tells you what you need to do, but not how to do it.

Charles Araujo: The Quantam Age of IT by ServiceSphere

Everything You Know About IT is About to Change. Forces are at work that are reshaping the very fabric of the IT organization. Driven by our own history, changing perceptions of how technology should work and newfound, but very real competition, IT organizations are struggling to evolve - but into what?

Simone Jo Moore: Murders and Acquisitions by ServiceSphere

Synopsis: It was a dark and stormy night and in the dimly lit boardroom of X-Con, the directors watched their Chairman gazing out the floor to ceiling window. The room was filled with secret anticipation, the secret joy of committing the easiest and most unpunished of crimes...

Tristan Boot: If you don't like people, perhaps don't work in customer service by ServiceSphere

Tristan says: "a lot of technology is being consolidated or moved to the cloud. The premium is now on the skills to interface between the technology and the customer" See Tristan's TFT speaker Pinterest board: We're already planning #TFT13 - submit to speak at

Aprill Allen: How to put the KM into ITSM by ServiceSphere

Why is knowledge management important (KM)? Why is it a part of everything we do in ITSM, but it's the last thing we want to turn our time and efforts to? Aprill Allen of tells you how KM can improve your operations and gives practical help on how to write a good knowledge base article and keep the troops motivated.

Kirstie Magowan: Sensible service management - mistakes are just learning oppertunities by ServiceSphere

If you don't make mistakes then you probably aren't trying hard enough! Take the opportunity to learn from some common mistakes that I, and many others before and after me, have made...then you can go on to make your own new ones!

Vladimir Ivanov: No time to work on improvements? Find it with Kanban! by ServiceSphere

How Kanban, Lean, Agile could be applied to ITSM? Vladimirs will share his practical experience from case of insurance company in Russia. He installed Kanban board as a tool for IT management team to execute IT Service Management programme. Want to learn how to do it yourself?

Aale Roos: Service Desk 2.0 a vision of future IT support by ServiceSphere

Service Desk 2.0 is a vision of the future IT support. In this presentation you will hear why this is going to happen, what it is going to mean to the SD professional and how to prepare for it.

Robert Falkowitz: Beyond Firefighting by ServiceSphere

In an advanced organization, the resolution of incidents should be considered already in the service design phase and tested during the service transition phase. What are the techniques that allow you to resolve incidents quickly and within a predictable time-frame?

Mark Smalley: Reinvent IT service management and embrace 'occupy IT' by ServiceSphere

IT service management is on the move. Under pressure on the supply side from suppliers of standard services like SaaS and on the demand side having to deal with increasingly IT-savvy and demanding users - I call this the IT Spring movement. So reinvent yourself and start the journey from supplier to business partner.

Barclay Rae: ITSM Goodness by ServiceSphere

Never mind all the theory and industry debate about ITIL and Cloud and Mobile and BYOD and all that. This session from Barclay Rae (ITSMTV's pundit, the Service Desk Inspector and ITSM consultant) is packed with lots of simple tips, ideas and reflections on how to be practically successful with ITSM.

Alex Hocking: To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often by ServiceSphere

70 years ago, Winston Churchill said: "To improve is to change, to be perfect is to change often." Today, technological change is happening at an increasingly rapid rate and if we are striving for perfection, we need to change often. Without the ability to change quickly and efficiently we are doomed to be left behind, overtaken, or gobbled up.

Ian Aitchison: Secrets to Successful Self-Service by ServiceSphere

The theoretical benefits in offering self service to your customers are well known and often quoted in saving time and money and raising customer satisfaction. However the brutal fact is that when it comes to Self Service, the mantra "Just Build It and They Will Come" does not always apply.

Patrick Bolger: Create! Innovate! Get out of the cave! by ServiceSphere

IT has evolved so quickly that the average consumer now has access to more online services and collaboration tools at home than they do at the office. Social media and collaborative technologies are setting expectations around delivery of IT services that most IT departments fail to meet.

Peter Lijnse: Just enough by ServiceSphere

To improve IT services, no matter what the specific objectives are, we typically have to look at 3 main components: Technology, Process and People. We often see the focus on one of the components, not a balanced view. However; looking at these components alone is not sufficient for a well-defined improvement plan.

Antonio Valle: Risk-based Service Management by ServiceSphere

Esta es una propuesta alternativa de conferencia en la que se presenta una visión de la Gestión de Servicios desde la perspectiva de los riesgos que asume el Negocio al utilizar servicios TI y de cómo la Gestión de Servicios ayuda a mitigarlos.

Oscar Corbelli - La Integracion de IT en el negocio del cliente by ServiceSphere

¿Cuál es el mapa de navegación de los profesionales TI en la búsqueda de la integración con el negocio? Para la biblioteca ITIL® la gestión de servicios debería ser un activo estratégico. Pero, hoy en día, eso podría no ser una ventaja competitiva.

Matthew Hooper: Bye Bye IT, we'll miss you! by ServiceSphere

Savvy business is making IT unnecessary. IT is making itself irrelevant. Breaking down 5 trends over the past 3 years I will show why IT as we've known it will no longer exist, and I will share my thoughts on the 4 paths of IT professionals by examining the service supply chain.

Mark Kawasaki & Farah Remtulla: ITSM in the service of humanity by ServiceSphere

ITSM in the Service of Humanity: Creating, Delivering, Socializing, and Sustaining Value This session will be a joint presentation and dialogue that explores the connections between technology, business value, and social value as we have seen in our experiences working to improve the human condition at Emory, in Atlanta, and the world.

Rob England: Standard + Case by ServiceSphere

Standard+Case is about applying a body of knowledge called Adaptive Case Management to ITSM, synthesising it with our existing ITIL process approach. This is an exciting new concept from the IT Skeptic that will radically improve the way we handle responses to any sort of "tickets".

Richard White: The Customer Service revolution and why you should care by ServiceSphere

I don't know much about ITSM, nor do I even know what ITIL stands for, let alone how to implement it. However, as the CEO of one of the top online customer service platforms, I do know a thing or two about customer service on the web.

Ian Clayton: Next generation service management by ServiceSphere

We live in a service society where our experiences using services, and our interactions with service providers, shapes our view of value, defines our level of satisfaction, and acts as the basis for loyalty and advocacy. IT is at core of this society both as an enabler, and as a vital delivery and support mechanism.