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Updated by Karen Keiller on Jun 07, 2015
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Open Textbooks

A list of sources for Open Textbooks and Open Educational Resources. List includes sources and information for a few not so open and not so free.

Open Textbook Library

Andrew John, Melbourne Business SchoolRussell Cooper, European University Institute This textbook, Economics: Theory Through Applications, centers around student needs and expectations through two premises: ...Students are motivated to study economics if they see that it relates to their own lives.

UMass Amherst - Open Education Initiative - Open Educational Resources - Subject Research Guides at University of Mas...

The high cost of commercial print textbooks is a major concern for both students and their parents. To address these concerns, the Provost’s Office and the University Libraries launched the Open Education Initiative in the Spring of 2011. The Open Education Initiative is a faculty incentive program that encourages the use of existing low-cost or free information resources to support our students’ learning. Information Literacy will also be emphasized, creating opportunities for students to develop and practice the skills of critical thinking, reasoning, communication, and integration of knowledge and perspectives.

Now in its third phase, the Open Education Initiative has generated a total savings of over $750,000 for students in classes that utilize open educational resources and library material. For more information please contact Marilyn Billings at

Open Access Textbooks: Project Info

An open textbook is an openly-licensed textbook offered online by its author(s). The open license sets open textbooks apart from traditional textbooks by allowing users to read online, download, or print the book at no additional cost.

Where to find open textbooks

There are many places to find open textbooks that have already been developed. The following resources contain existing open texts and other teaching resources that are openly-licensed and free for educators to use and adapt to their own needs. Open Textbooks - a list of open textbooks curated by BCcampus.

InTech - Open Science Open Minds | InTechOpen

InTechOpen is a leading global publisher of Journals and Books within the fields of Science, Technology and Medicine. We are the preferred choice of over 60,000 authors worldwide.

Open Textbook Catalog

In an effort to reduce costs for students, the College of Education and Human Development has created this catalog of open textbooks to be reviewed by faculty members

DOAB: Directory of Open Access Books

OAPEN Foundation in cooperation with SemperTool

OpenStax College

Free, open-source, high-quality textbooks for your college course, available online and in print.

MERLOT - Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching

Free and open online community of resources designed primarily for faculty, staff and students of higher education from around the world to share their learning materials and pedagogy. MERLOT is a leading edge, user-centered, collection of peer reviewed higher education, online learning materials, catalogued by registered members and a set of faculty development support services.

OER Commons

The network that brings together 44,979 OER, tools for sharing curriculum with the world, and news and training on the brave new world of open education.

College Open Textbooks Community

A site for stakeholders and participants of the Community College Open Textbook Collaborative

College Open Textbooks - College Open Textbooks

Funded by an imminent group of generous sponsors, College Open Textbooks (COT) is a project of the Silicon Valley Education Foundation and the Open Doors Group. The COT Collaborative is collection of colleges, governmental agencies, education non-profits, and other education-related organizations that are focused on the mission of driving awareness, adoptions*, and affordability of open textbooks.

College Textbooks Offline, Online, Affordable | Flat World Knowledge

Where you can access 100+ college textbooks by expert authors. Faculty can personalize content at the line level; students can choose print and digital formats. Access entire textbooks starting at $19.95.

CC Search

Search for resources that can be re-used, licensed with Creative Commons.


a place to view and share educational material made of small knowledge chunks called modules that can be organized as courses, books, reports, etc. Anyone may view or contribute: authors create and collaborate instructors rapidly build and share custom collections learners find and explore content

Make Textbooks Affordable

Want to join the fight to make textbooks affordable? Download this resource for everything you need to know to organize the textbooks campaign on your campus.

Compare New Textbooks | Save Money on New Textbooks | SlugBooks

Not really a source for open textbooks, but a search tool for finding the best price for textbooks.

Open Textbook Summit |

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