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Updated by Curation Project on Oct 04, 2013
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Top 100 web tools / ipad apps who can replace #GoogleReader . Follow @web20education

Here is a list of Top 100 web tools / ipad apps curated by and My top 10 web tools are and ipad apps are

#newsblur #startup gr8 #googlereader alternative

NewsBlur is a personal news reader that brings together people to talk about the world.

Social Media enhanced listening | Visibium

A watch and alert platform for brand protection, competitive watch, social crisis management and/or User Generated Content moderation.




This list is Curated by founder of Curation Restart Online Education Project

#bloglovin #Startup tool make your blog reading fun and easy

Bloglovin make your blog reading fun and easy. Reading blogs can be a pain in the ass. For this reason they created bloglovin´ so you wouldn’t have to visit un-updated blogs, open ten windows in your browser, or forget your favorite blogs web-addresses.

#feeedly #startup gr8 #googlereader alternative, better way to organize,read and share the content you love #edtech20...

Feedly transforms your favorite websites into
a fun magazine-like start page.
It organizes your favorites into a fun magazine-like experience you can access from your computer, your tablet or your phone.

#googlereader powering down and for this reason appear #feedspot #startup

Feedspot is a Social Feed Reader , reinventing RSS Reader by building an entire new platform from scratch. It helps you find out What’s happening, Right Now, with the Topics and News sites you care about.

#Multiplx #startup a reimagined RSS Reader gr8 alternative 4 #googlereader

Multiplx is a reimagined RSS Reader to include all of your favorite blogs and source MultiPLX supports the import/export of OMPL files from Google takeout who want to migrate seamlessly from Google

#FeedWrangler #startup is a modern, sustainable RSS reader tool

FeedWrangler Create Custom Feeds tailored to your tastes.
Group your favorite feeds into a single, easy to check stream.
Apply search criteria to your newsfeed to pinpoint topical articles.
Automatically mark articles as read with keyword filtering to clean your newsfeed of unwanted items.

#theoldreader #socialmedia #startup gr8 #googlereader alternative

theoldreader allows you to browse your daily dose of content with that very special bit shared by your friends, with notes and comments

#fever gr8 #googlereader alternative to read what's hot #edtech20 #pln

Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot .
While It’s Hot Fever reads your feeds and picks out the most frequently talked about links from a customizable time period. Unlike traditional aggregators, Fever works better the more feeds you follow.

#tintapp #startup let you display,embed any social feed anywhere #edtech20

Tint is a simple tool that lets you create beautiful and engaging social hubs on your digital properties in minutes.
You can aggregate from Facebook pages, Twitter accounts/hashtags, Instagram accounts/hashtags, Youtube channels, etc. and embed it beautifully into any website, Wordpress, Tumblr, Wix, Mobile apps, Facebook Pages, & more!

#Feedreader read, organize and share news and updates from all your favourite websites in one place

Feedreader Online is a platform for you to read, organize and share news and updates from all your favourite websites in one place. Just like good old Google Reader which is about to close on July 1, 2013.