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Updated by Bernie Goldbach on Oct 10, 2017
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Thoughts and Links from edTech13

Things I discovered during the 2013 ILTA conference in University College Cork.

Is This Time Different?

"Questions for MOOCs and Online Learning Beyond 2012" - US report shared by Kyle Peck

MOOCs at Edinburgh

The first report.

The Most-Tweeted #edcmooc artefact

It's part of Digital Life. A parody of the first music video to appear on MTV : Buggles with "Video Killed the Radio Star". All video shot on the iPhone 4 and edited in iMovie with no frills.

The most popular edtech13 tweets

Hashtag analysis to measure impact and reach with of tweets sorted in categories.

Towards a Signature Pedagogy

via H2 and Michael Hallissy (Hibernia College)

Moodle 2.5

Gavin Henrick's presentation from #edtech13.

How can Google products enhance the study of a literary text?

A group of Year 9 students (aged 13 - 14) from Wellington College in the UK have been exploring how they can use Google products and other technology to enhance their study of the iconic novel "The Road" by Cormac Mccarthy. Hear their story.

TEL Ireland Journal

Digital Literacies for Life" anchors the inaugural issue of the TEL Ireland journal.

Twitter / RoisinAnneOB: "The printed word being toppled ...

"The printed word being toppled as the dominant form of academic scholarship" Live feed of #edtech13 @UCC #uccmadah

Copyright, Technology and Education

Blog post & presentation by Eoin O'Dell @cearta

Cicely Roche

Proved that a 600 word reflection is a suitable third level response.

#edcmooc on Coursera

A MOOC worth seven hours of your time every week.


This little clip was the idea of Angela Towndrow, a fellow participant and Twitter chat moderator on this course. She suggested creating something that might reflect the feedback given by participants via an online survey she had created with the help of several other Moocesians.

Simple iPad Presentation Software

Haiku Deck, a free presentation app for iPad, makes presentations simple, beautiful, and fun.

Nick Hood's Reflections

The future is technology. So goes the idealistic vision of the future theme of edcmooc and the happy dreams of those who dream of a digital utopia in which our lives are enhanced by amazing geekery and augmented reality. My world is different. Mine is a world in which technology doesn't work.

VideoScribe Whiteboard Drawing

Create engaging animated scribe videos easily

Prediction Markets for Active Learning

Excellent research in University of Limerick.

On Being an (Open) Educator

Keynote presentation for EdTech13 Conference, University College Cork, 30th May 2013 by @catherinecronin

The Retention Funnel

From @KylePeck at #edtech13 and snapped by @eoloughlin

Sebastian Thrun

His innovative ideas percolated into #edtech13

Moodle gamification tools

This presentation was delivered at #edtech13 in University College Cork, Ireland. This covers the list of Moodle techniques that may be useful for gamification.