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Updated by Dan Polley on Jun 05, 2014
Dan Polley Dan Polley
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Dan Polley's guest blog posts

A list of blog posts that others have been so kind as to feature on their sites and blogs.

How To Use Free Tools To Manage Social Media

Free. It's a great word, but the meaning behind it is probably what intrigues us more. And, frankly, who can resist being pulled in when the word is bandied about? That's especially true when it comes to social media management, creation and strategy. I'm sharing how you can manage social media with free tools.

How To Send A Better LinkedIn Invitation Request

Sometimes it's the simplest things that we need the most help with. And, as you would be able to tell if you saw my LinkedIn invitations inbox, how to form an invitation request to connect on the network is one of those things.

SumAll Social Analytics Tool: One Stop Shop For Social Measurement

Isn't your life better when tools work for you? I know mine is! And that's why I've come to love SumAll , which describes itself as democratizing information by "making it engrossing, affordable, and accessible." Indeed, the social service says, "Your data shouldn't exist in silos."

12 Most Optimistic Reasons Why a Facebook Unlike is a Good Sign

Unlike. Facebook page managers and marketers see that in their analytics and automatically think it must be a bad sign. But don't stress over it too much. Maybe there is a perfectly good reason why you should be happy that someone unliked your page.

Make The Most Of Embeddable Content

There's a lot going on in social media, but a recent trend that continues to grow is the use of embeddable content. Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+ and YouTube all allow you to take posts and embed them on blogs, websites or wherever else you they might be of use.

5 Tips For Curating Local Content

You own a small business or work for an agency or brand and are looking to market to a small location-specific section of your fans or customers. The problem: You know you want to curate user content as part of your content marketing strategy, and that content needs to have a local or hyperlocal angle.

3 Words for 2014

Dan Polley of Mansquees from Polleydan fame explains how he sets his intentions for the year. Three words. Who knew it could be that simple?

12 Most Embeddable Social Content Creation Tools

We all create content every day. And we all want to share that content we create with our friends, family and other people online. One simple way to do that is to embed the content you want to share. So if you're worrying about how you're going to share, worry no more.

Blog Tip Thursday: Pinterest Attribution

Every week, we share one of our favorite 'how-to' posts about blogging, social media, and the community we LOVE to love. Our desire is you consider HLB a resource in your efforts to blog BETTER - we want to be stronger bloggers ourselves, and we see the desire for stronger posts and cleaner designs.

12 Most Embeddable Social Content Curation Tools

Content curation is an important component of a digital marketer's toolbox. Often just as important as the curation step is deciding how to share with your audience or customers, and a great way to do that is to embed that curated content within your blog or website.

5 Free Underused Tools for Your Social Campaigns

Free. It's a nice little word. For those of us searching for tools to help manage and maintain our social campaigns, it's a great word. There are all sorts of free tools out there, some better than others, some that could/should be used just a bit more.