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Updated by Sean Charles on May 10, 2013
Sean Charles Sean Charles
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Island Talent Presenting at Social Media Camp 2013

A list of some of my favourite & talented Island tweeps presenting at Social Media Camp 2013.

Don Power - Twitter for Skeptics

This presentation addresses the most common objections people have about Twitter. Whether it's the notion that Twitter is just a bunch of people tweeting about their breakfast, or the surprising writers block that often occurs when you force people to formulate their thoughts in 140 characters (or less!)

Janice Mansfield - Google+ can help you win friends and influence people

Google+ has been viewed with skepticism by some in the social media industry since its beta launch in June, 2011, but today, it is anything BUT a “ghost town.” With over 300 million active users, it is reportedly the second largest social media platform out there, with active users spending an average of 60 minutes per day on it!

Mike Vardy - The Social Media/Productivity Balancing Act

Staying connected and staying productive can be a very tricky thing to do. Sure, there are tools out there that will keep your feet somewhat planted in both camps, but the biggest tool for this is you. From exploring strategies, tools, and being mindful about using both, this session aims to show how you and your habits can make you the good kind of tool – as opposed to just being one.

Sean Smith - The Online Playground: Cyber-Bullying

The Online Playground: Cyber-Bullying, introduces parents, educators, administrators, and employers to a world that most are aware of, but have little idea how extensive and deep it goes. Attendees will learn and discuss where Cyber-Bullying happens, the sites that kids frequent to “hang-out”, how kids circumvent school rules around Social Media and technology use and how they hide that use at home.

Dr. Janni Aragon - Education and Social Media in the Classroom

This presentation will offer the attendee to learn about the effective use of Social Media Platforms and apps in the classroom. The workshop will be geared for the beginner user. I will share assignments and my experiences with different social media platforms/assignments in various courses that I’ve taught at UVIC. This presentation will be useful to others outside of education.

Mat Wright (with Dr. Janni Aragon)

This presentation will offer the attendee to learn about the effective use of Social Media Platforms and apps in the classroom. The workshop will be geared for the beginner user. I will share assignments and my experiences with different social media platforms/assignments in various courses that I’ve taught at UVIC. This presentation will be useful to others outside of education.

Brenda Johima - Mobile Photography: Everlasting Ever-Changing

Mobile Photography : WOW Yourself! Turn Blah cell phone photos into WOW images with impact. Your OWN mobile photography and visual social media can transform lives, make business more fun, and make a lasting impact through social sharing.

Tori Klassen - turning small budgets and scarce resources into Big Picture strategies

A case study in explaining a small but complex educational technology organization to a busy, budget-crunched higher education audience. It isn’t easy with only one communications professional, one graphic designer and a modest budget – but it can be done. The secret: develop a solid plan, assemble a posse, shift resources around to use them more strategically, and let go of the notion you can be All Things to All People.

Amanda Jennifer - Desk Dwellers’ Yoga with AJ

Join Amanda Jennifer (@ViHippieChick) in a quick yoga class that will help alleviate the pains of sitting at a desk, reduce everyday stress, and bolster creativity. No experience required.

David Hume - Shifting Culture and Selling Social (with Russel Lolacher)

This session will explore how the government is working to adopt and accept new social practices with take-aways you can use for your organization. David will talk about his experience in both New Zealand and BC, where digital tools like wikis and blogs, and events like townhalls and hackathons, have resulted in new partnerships with cool and surprising results.

Russel Lolacher (with David Hume)

This session will explore how the government is working to adopt and accept new social practices with take-aways you can use for your organization.

Chris Whiteley - Supersize Your WordPress Blog

Originally this session was titled “Maximize Your WordPress Blog,” but has since changed to use the word “Supersized” instead. As this session will cover how to be a more efficient and effective blogger using the Fast Food industry as inspiration it only made sense to make things “Supersized.” In this session we will cover how to use principles developed by fast food restaurants in our daily blogging routine.