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How to prepare your child for online activity classes for Kids?

How to prepare your child for online activity classes for Kids?

As we are currently in the most difficult phase of COVID-19 lockdown, it has become extremely difficult for parents to keep their kids engaged at home. With schools shut for more than 3 months and not having to go out to play has made things more difficult for both parents and kids. But with growing new trends of enrolling for online activity classes for kids has made things easier. Activity classes for kids are basically online or virtual learning which is a fun educational and interactive session. For those parents looking to keep their children occupied, these classes make for the best option. However, making a kid sit attentively for such activities is the true challenge. In this article today we have addressed this issue by sharing a few tips and advice on how to successfully set your kids for online activities-

Establish a routine-
In the phase of lockdown, the entire routine of children gets disrupted. Parents need to set them into a routine and get them used to it. Having in place a set schedule can keep making things easy. A schedule can streamline your kids daily routine and keep them engaged the whole day. So, if you plan to enrol for a kid’s activity classes in Mumbai then draw out an entire day’s schedule and set these activities in their routine.

Establish a fixed activity time-
As suggested earlier, set a clear schedule for your kid’s daily routine and establish a fixed time for the online activity. Write down a daily schedule timetable if aged appropriate and verbally remind your child every morning of their schedule. While letting them stay comfortable, dress them well, neat and tidy for the activity.

Consider your child’s age for the activity-
The younger the child, lesser is its attention span. So, draw a schedule and enrol for kids’ activity classes in Mumbai keeping in mind their age, personality and attention span. If the session you enrol for is not live classes, it is advisable you schedule breaks in between. This will definitely help keep your child engaged.

Create a learning environment-
One of the most important suggestions for parents would be to ensure they create a healthy learning environment for their child. This goes a long way in helping the child focus on their activity classes. Create a quiet, distraction-free environment by ensuring all the toys and electronics items are removed from the room. So, for example, if it’s a music class online for kids then ensure you just keep instruments and no toys, paints, craft materials or any electronics in the room.

Include playtime in your schedule-
Just like at school, it is important you schedule breaks for your child in their entire day activity. This will keep them focused and ensure they are attentive during the scheduled activity session. Moreover, we all know how it feels sitting the entire day in front of the screen. So, ensure you give your children a breather to rest their eyes from time to time.

Online activity classes for children is the best way to keep them occupied the whole day. Moreover, it is the most productive way for kids to learn and explore new thing during times like these. Follow our tips and you are sure to drive their boredom away and get your kids onto something that’s interesting fun and informative.


How to keep children busy during the lockdown in COVID-19 situation?

How to keep children busy during the lockdown in COVID-19 situation?

Keeping kids busy has always been a challenge for parents. More so with the current lockdown situation, it is getting tougher to keep them occupied. Even with remote schooling activities, kids are left with ample time after schooling activities, which turns out to be a nightmare for parents. Especially for those parents juggling between work and kids is truly a task keeping them entertained and occupied the whole time. So, to address this issue here are some useful tips for parents that they can consider for keeping their kids busy. Read through the article to learn about different online activity classes for kids in Mumbai that can keep them busy for as long as you work.

Enrol for Online Activity Classes for Kids -
During times like this when the entire world is under lockdown and confined to the four walls of the house, enrolling for virtual classes helps kill time. Having said that, one of the best ways to keep kids busy and entertained is by enrolling them for online activity classes. There are a number of classes available today that offers interesting online activity classes for kids in Mumbai. It could be something like an art or craft class that explores the creative side of the kid or some interesting experimental science classes online that are informative and provides knowledgeable for kids. Based on the kids’ interest, parents should look for relevant classes and enrol for online activity classes for Kids in Mumbai.

Enrol for an online library -
Encouraging kids to read and write from a very young age is essential for their development. Keeping this in mind we suggest parents get children a membership into an online library. Reading books can be the best way to kill time and keep kids occupied. Inculcating a reading habit is after all good for kids. Moreover, it is way better than kids spending time in front of the TV or computer watching cartoon all day.

Weekend events for kids-
With online classes gaining great popularity, especially during this lockdown phase, there are several fun weekend events for kids hosted by various classes across Mumbai. These events could be anything like a talent hunt show where kids can participate and show their talent or could be a fun baking workshop where kids are taught to bake cupcakes and biscuits. There are a number of pottery and art workshops as well conducted on the weekends that kids can enrol for. So, this way while parents can take a break from their routine schedule, kids can keep busy by participating in some workshop and learning something new.

Online music classes for kids -
For those kids who love music and instruments, there are good online music classes for kids that they can get enrolled for. So, without having to leave the comforts of their home, children can hone their music skills by taking up classes online. This will not just keep them occupied but also bring out their unique talent in the music field. Explore a new side of your child by enrolling them to good online music classes for kids right away. You will find plenty of options online to select from for your kids. Just research a bit more about them and shortlist the one that best fits their schedule and liking.

Online coding classes for kids-
In today’s digital world, basic coding skills could always be handy. Especially during times like this when kids have ample time to spare in hand, learning the skills of coding can always be an advantage for them. Learning how to build simple websites and games helps kids refine their skills of design, logic, and problem-solving abilities. It further allows them to explore their skills and express their unique ideas and creativity in unique ways. So, go ahead to enrol your children for interesting and educative online coding classes for kids in Mumbai right away.


Top 6 ways how online activity classes for kids are beneficial

Top 6 ways how online activity classes for kids are beneficial

Online teaching or online activity classes for kids was never really a serious thing to consider until now. During the COVID-19 lockdown situation, we have realized the importance of online learning. Most schools and tutorials have embraced the transition from interactive classroom activities to online activity classes for kids. In today’s article, we have discussed how kid’s activity classes in Mumbai can be beneficial for both parents and kids. Let us take a look at the below-listed benefits that we have outlined for you.
Benefits of Online Learning Activity for kids

Learning happens when most convenient- In online learning activities for kids, there is no time barrier as such. Children can learn at a time that best fits their own needs and their family’s schedule. This makes online activities for kids convenient for both kids and family members. Moreover, kids will be more focused when the sessions are timed as per their convenient schedule.
No geographical barriers- Another best part about online activity classes for children is that there are no geographic barriers. Children can attend the activity classes from anywhere. Children can involve in activates from the comfort of their homes or from anywhere else. So, even from the COVID-19 Standpoint, online activity classes for kids are a safe bet.

Easy and self-paced learning process- Unlike classroom activities which are fast-paced and common for all, online activity classes for kids can be slow and self-paced. Students can slow down as and when they are learning something new or they want additional time for practice. They have the liberty of speeding up the session based on their comfort and grasping powers. This process makes learning simple and easy for kids.
Self-directed learning – The best part about activity classes for kids in Mumbai is that children can choose the content they are interested in, in turn, have a better learning experience. The activity can be engaging and can be learnt from the comfort of their home. They can take their time to learn concepts or activities as much as they want. Moreover, using online tools help them learn and develop proficiency. Children are more actively engaged because they make their own choices. The self-directed learning style makes learning or activities fun and engaging.
Online tools for real-time assessment- Using advanced online learning activity tools provides real-time assessment of children’s progress. Moreover, the activity or the learning experience can be tailored based on the kids learning capacity and accuracy. Not just that, kids can get regular progress feedback on their activity. Regular assessment is crucial for it helps keep children challenged at the right level. Kids may not find it overwhelming or bored by topics they already know.
Different learning styles- Online activities for kids can be fun for kids. It accommodates a variety of learning styles and use a variety of methods tailored to suit every kid. So, whether they learn quickly or slowly, visually or verbally, or learn through games or videos, every online activity becomes a unique learning style. Kids can actually explore ways of learning and involve in activities that best suit their learning style.


How are online activity classes for kids beneficial?

How are online activity classes for kids beneficial?

In recent years, the role of online learning has increased significantly. This has especially been witnessed this year during the global pandemic situation. While most schools and colleges are shut, parents are keen to embrace the new shift towards online learning and activity classes for kids. Parents are now enrolling in online activity classes for kids to keep their children occupied and encourage learning. Let us today in this article learn more about online learning and activity classes for kids. The article details how online activity classes for kids can be beneficial to them.
Fun and engaging kids classes online
Parents today like the simplicity, yet the fun way of learning new things in comparison with the traditional classes. While online activity classes offer easy and quick access to materials on a different subject, it also offers the convenience of learning from home at any given time, as per your convenience. While the basic goal or objective of conducting activities for kids online is to encourage learning without any geographic barriers, it also aims to give children an opportunity to learn new things in a fun and creative way. Using new information and communication technologies to the best use, many classes have come up with an online activity for kids to learn art, craft, dance music, etc. of their choice and interest.
This keeps the children occupied and also gives them an opportunity to explore their talents and skills in different fields of their interest. What makes it special is the way online learning has updated the training content, teaching methods, and knowledge dissemination. It contributes to all levels and types of learning. Online learning focuses on independent learning, wherein kids can learn at their own pace. Unlike the traditional full-time session, kids can take breaks and learn things at their own pace. Depending on their learning ability and grasping skills, children can move ahead with the session as per their comfort. Being able to independently learn or participate in activities when the kids are comfortable is key for this category of students.
Benefits of Online activity classes for kids
The opportunities that an online learning or activity class for kids can offer compared to traditional full-time classes are immense. Given below are some advantages of online learning that are listed below-.
• Learning of activities for kids online can be from the comfort of their homes.
• Children can learn at their own pace.
• Parents are more involved in their child’s learning.
• You can get your kids enrolled in different activates while being away from the city.
• You schedule a time for your kid's online activity as per your kids and your own convenience.
• Online activity classes for kids are much more flexible and customized for children as per their choice and interest.
• It is self-directed learning that uses games and creative videos to encourage engagement.
• Online learning activities for kids also support a range of learning styles.
• Lastly, it encourages and enhances computer and Internet proficiency.


Best after school classes in Mumbai that you should consider for your child

Best after school classes in Mumbai that you should consider for your child

Working parents find it really hard to manage their work responsibilities, family, and children. However, between all the work pressure, parents are always under a constant thought of whether their child is getting enough learning, and knowledge to explore their skills and rise to their true potential. Parents always wish the best for their child and hence look for some kind of guidance and support beyond school that helps children nurture their creativity and enhance their skills. This is exactly when after-school classes in Mumbai step in to address these issues. Most parents today believe after school activity classes for kids in Mumbai will benefit their child in many ways. It is a great way to keep your children actively involved in activities that interest them and enhance their skills. Providing them with a holistic environment to grow and explore will truly turn out to be beneficial for the child’s growth and development.
But, today with so many available after-school classes in Mumbai makes it hard to pick the perfect program for your child. Today, in this article we have listed a few reasons why parents should consider enrolling their child in an after-school activity class for kids in Mumbai.
• Inculcates self-learning- After school activity classes for kids is all about letting your child explore their creative side, their talent, and unique skills. Classes open up new opportunities for children and help them grow as an individual. It sets a positive environment that inculcates self-learning, and socializing skills. Activity classes for kids in Mumbai opens a plethora of avenues for children to learn new things.
• Learning beyond schooling- For kids today it is essential to take their learning abilities beyond schooling and books. It is important for them to make time for activities that are of their interest and liking. Extracurricular activities should never be ignored for they bring out the best in kids in the most unexpected fields of their interest. Further, online activities for kids in Mumbai will expose kids to productive activities that keep them engaged and help them in molding into self-sufficient individuals.
• Range of fun learning and engaging activities- Kids today have a range of options to select from when it comes to learning something new that is of their interest. While some may look for phonics classes online, some may look to enroll in music classes for kids online, or some may look for fun dance classes or book reading classes. Parents must find the right after-school classes in Mumbai that offers programs of fun activities that can be of your child’s interest. There can be a multitude of activities to choose from that can keep your child busy and interested in something productive.
• Program that supports and develops your child’s skills and talent- Enroll your kids in after-school classes in Mumbai that support their interest and enhances their skills and talent. It is time you use such opportunities to your child’s advantage. Opt for online activities classes for kids that offer a customized program that suits your child’s preferences and works for you as well. Opt for a class that will support your child and molds them into strong and level-headed individuals.


How to keep children occupied with online activity classes for kids?

How to keep children occupied with online activity classes for kids?

It can be a real struggle for parents when it comes to keeping their children at home busy. This is especially for those parents when trying to cope with their work from home schedule. However, online activity classes for children are today the real saving grace for most working parents. These activity classes for kids in Mumbai keep children occupied constructively. They offer a plethora of online classes and fun activities to help keep the kids engaged. In today’s article, we will be covering some interesting online activity classes for kids to enroll in for a better hands-on learning experience.
Activity Classes For Kids In Mumbai
Today there is virtually a world of interactive classes for kids available online which includes phonics classes online, coding classes for kids online, art & craft classes, fun science classes for kids online, and much more. In case your kids are free from studies and examinations, they can benefit from the extracurricular activities in their extra time that they have in their hands. From courses that can be beneficial for their education such as learning the basics of programming to ones that will enhance their skills such as learning music, or playing musical instruments, the dance will benefit children greatly. Read some of the online activity classes that we would recommend your children to enroll in during their free time. Chances are your child may want to enroll in more than one of these lists given below-
• Coding or Programming for kids
Whether your child ends up having a career in IT or not, learning coding in today's digital world is surely an essential skill that will help your child in the long run. Get your child creative, problem-solving, and computational caps on by enrolling them in online coding classes for kids in Mumbai. These online classes will be a self-paced session explaining programming in an inspiring and fun way. What is more, interesting is that your child will receive assignments to create their programs from scratch as part of the online course. Children are bound to get hands-on experience in building codes.
• Art & Craft classes for Kids
Let your child go all creative and colorful in their art & craft classes. These classes are surely a fun way to bring out the creative side of your child. It also helps children work on their hand-eye coordination and self-expression better. Your child will learn to be more expressive in these fun interactive online activity classes for kids in Mumbai.
• Science classes for kids-
Science classes for kids online are designed to introduce elementary and middle school students to various scientific topics in a cool, fun, and interactive way. The science classes online are filled with videos, quizzes, games, and fun examples that shall contribute to the child’s knowledge and also help them in their educational courses. Enroll your child in online science classes and they are sure to love it.


How to get your child to participate in online activity classes for kids?

How to get your child to participate in online activity classes for kids?

Children at a young age have a bundle of energy that needs to be channelized in the right direction. No parents would want their kids to be couch potato curled up in their room or spending time in front of the TV, Computers, or electronic gadgets. Kids at a young age are little explorers, always curious to learn new things. Their energies should be channelized in learning new things, discovering their skills, or exploring their surroundings. Enrolling in kids’ activity classes in Mumbai is probably one good way to explore options and see what your children are most interested in. There are plenty of online activity classes for children for kids to choose from that are of their liking. While most children willingly join such classes, few kids seem to be reluctant, shy, or simply just uninterested. Parents find it hard to know to encourage such kids to enroll in activities when they seem reluctant, or least interested. Most kids want to be with their friends and do what they are doing. So, here are some ways how you can encourage kids to get off their couch and make them join online activity classes for children
Identify your child’s interest area

To begin with, you can first try and identify what your children are interested in. Discuss with them to understand what is their area of interest and what is it that they would like to learn. Dig deep to understand their liking and enroll them in some activities that suit them. Help them discover their interest and likings. See what they really look forward to doing during their free time and accordingly select the best activity classes for kids in Mumbai.
Inspire your children

Being your child’s role model is the best way to get them active and interested in learning something new. Get involved in their likes and learning activities. Accompany them in their online activities classes. Show interest in their activities. Be a role model and inspire them to learn something new. You could probably help them join in some weekend events for kids by enrolling along with them initially to if you feel they are shy kids.
Get friends to join

Try creating a group by involving your children’s friends in a kid’s activity classes in Mumbai. This will surely help children who are shy and reluctant to enroll in activities classes. Besides we have seen some kids won't make a move unless their friends too are involved in the same thing. So, if a kid is more of a follower find out which activities his friends are into and then sign him up for the same. You could also take an initiative by creating a group and enrolling them all together in an activity they all are interested in.
Get their siblings to join
Siblings too can be a good role models for the younger ones. Get the older ones to participate in something and let the younger ones tag along with them. This way the younger one may feel comfortable and safe joining with the elder sibling to join in some fun online music classes for kids in Mumbai or maybe some art or painting classes for kids.
Giving kids early exposure is the best way to get them comfortable and socialize well with the rest. This goes a long way in helping kids join in some fun activities. Arrange for playdates to give them exposure to the outside world. Get them to mix around with kids and develop skills of communication and socializing. Friendships may lead to participation in some fun activities together for kids in the future.
Explain to your children the benefits of joining online activities. Make it sound fun and interesting for them by sparking a bit of curiosity. Talk to them about how they can make new friends, have more fun, and play while participating in classes that involve fun learning. Praise them for their achievements and let your kids know how proud you are of them learning something new. Give them your support and encourage them at every step of learning. This will surely go a long way in helping them participate in online activity classes for kids in Mumbai.


Tips for engaging children in the fun and meaningful activities

Tips for engaging children in the fun and meaningful activities

In times of COVID, the pandemic has brought the world to a standstill. With adults and children locked up at home, it has made things more difficult for all. Piling workloads and home chores have left parents with very short time to spend with their child. So, parents who are looking to keep their children busy can look to enroll them in fun weekend activity classes for kids. But questions that most often arise are what kind of activities you can engage your children in while at home all through the day.
Well, kids are a little bundle of energies who often get bored quickly with the same activities. They constantly look for new challenging activities all the time. This often leaves parents confused as to how children can be kept engaged in meaningful activities. Many turn towards gadgets as a solution to boredom assuming that the overflowing stream of contents keep children engaged all the day. But practically speaking these gadgets are not the right way to engage children. There is always a better way to engage children with meaningful activities than just getting them rid of their boredom. Online courses for kids or weekend events for the kids are some good ways to engage them in productive yet fun activities. In today’s article, we have listed down few of the activities that you can probably enroll your kids to keep them busy-
Dance classes for kids- Get your kids to shake a leg or groove to the music by enrolling them in online dance classes for kids. This is definitely a good way to channelize your kid’s energy in the right direction. Moreover, it will be the right platform for kids to hone their talent and provide quality training in different genres. Search online for “dance classes for kids near me” and you are sure to get what you want. Enrolling in dance classes for kids is the best way to keep them engaged.
Music classes for kids- Enrol your kids in a fun music class online. Introduce them to the wonderful world of music. Learning music can surely make a difference for your kids, especially in the development of a child’s social, cognitive, and communicative skills. Enrolling in music classes for kids at an early age also helps them in discovering their innate talent. What better way than to keep children busy while enhancing their music skills with fun music classes online or off-line.
Coding classes for kids- Give your kids exposure to the digital world by enrolling them in coding classes for kids online. Online courses provide plenty of free programming courses that are taught via videos and live online sessions. For kids interested in gaming and animation can get free hand exposure by learning to create animations, games, and apps using a kid-friendly programming language. Learning to write programs boosts your child’s creative mind and helps them to think better. Coding classes is one of the best way to keep your kids busy and productive.
Fun science classes online for kids-
Science is all about exploring and discovering new things. So, what better way to get young kids excited about learning than hands-on science experiments. Kids will enjoy learning new things around them be it about plants, wildlife, chemicals, or earth. Let your children learn science the fun way by registering them for science classes online for kids. The online classes have tons of fun and exciting science activities and experiments for kids online. Kids will enjoy a wide range of experiments featuring educational activities covering chemistry, biology, technology, earth, wildlife, nature space, and much more.