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Updated by melissa dissouza on Mar 08, 2021
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cloud apps


App development

App development

Model the infrastructure as a collection of services:
While working with cloud application development, using a combination of multiple services can decrease the dependencies. Using these services as composite services will mitigate maintenance issues that arise due to coupling. Such an approach will allow the use of functions as services that can be leveraged separately.

Also, by breaking down an application into multiple services, their functionalities no longer require reinvention. Thus, you can easily reuse them, thereby saving time as well as effort.

Consider decoupling of data:
A cloud development platform can perform to its best potential when the data is broken down into smaller units. As tracing in complex distributed systems is difficult in a cloud-based infrastructure, tightly coupled data degrades the performance. When processing the data independently, flexibility significantly increases.
Also, you will be able to enjoy the benefits of a private cloud and public cloud separately. For data storage and retrieval, using caching systems should be preferred instead of depending totally on the database. This increases the speed of data retrieval and thus enhances performance.

Reduce intercommunication
When an application has components that require constant or excessive intercommunication, the performance takes a hit. While working on a cloud software development platform, it is necessary to keep in mind that it is hosted on a cloud. In such a distributed environment, managing the network latency can be difficult.
Thus, to improve the latency, optimization of the components is necessary. Also, instead of continuous communication, communicating in data packets can be a better alternative.

Consider scaling while modeling the application
While using a cloud development platform after countering the intercommunication of components, it is necessary to consider scaling. Under desirable circumstances, the performance factor might be high. However, the load on the servers is never constant. The load will continually grow as the number of users increase.
Thus, it is wise to put in place mechanisms that can automatically balance the load when needed. Adding auto-scaling capabilities with efficient monitoring tools can counter this issue effectively.

Compliant security needs
An application hosted on a cloud is highly susceptible to security risks. For cloud application development, it is important to consider building security that is systemic and thus compliant to the application. When it is embedded in the application's architecture, it can prove to be much more effective compared to the traditional approach.
Though security mostly comes as an afterthought for developers and designers, it requires adequate attention in a cloud-based environment. Also, by using identity and access management (IAM) capabilities, you can further upgrade security levels.

Bottom line
Making a transition from traditional infrastructure to a cloud application development platform requires a considerable amount of adjustments. A company can surely benefit from leveraging the benefits of this platform. However, to make sure that you do it the right way, make sure you follow the steps above!