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Updated by Eduard Millán Forn on Jan 16, 2014
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Generador de claves seguras - Generador de passwords

GENERADOR DE CLAVES SEGURAS - GENERADOR DE PASSWORDS Con esta utilidad gratuita podrás generar claves o passwords seguras para tus sitios web, blogs, Facebook, Twenti, MySpace, cuentas de correo o, para tener tu Pc protegido con una contraseña que nadie pueda averiguar o crackear. También puedes

Base64 and URL Encoding and Decoding

Encodes or decodes data in Base64 or URL encoding using client side JavaScript

Welcome to .htaccess Tools

Use the online generators to create .htaccess files for hotlink protection, password protection, htpasswd files, htaccess authentication.

Deobfuscate PHP Hack Code

A tool to deobfuscate PHP hack code so that you can see the actual code.

BulkWords - The ultimate keyword tool

Keyword research tool for SEM and SEO

HTML Codes - Table of ascii characters and symbols

HTML Codes - Table for easy reference of ascii characters and symbols in HTML format. With indication of browser support

DomainKeys Test - DomainKeys Verify - DomainKeys Validator

First of all, please click the following button to get a test email address. Secondly, you can send an email to this email address. Finally, a DomainKeys report will be sent to your sender email address in a short time.

Quick Escape - A tool to convert raw HTML to escape characters | Developer Tools | Accessify

What is quick escape? It's a tool that lets you quickly paste in HTML and for that to be converted to escaped characters - for example converting to <a> - which can then be pasted back in to your HTML source code so that it renders on screen in code samples and the like.